

A Dark Night
He saw the edge of the knife, he saw the end of a life.
He looked at his capture's eyes, saw no mercy,no remourse no forgiveness, no change of course.
He knew he was beat, bested at his own game but his will would not give in.
Not now, atleast not to her.
But as they locked eyes, he could see her,she could see him just as they saw each other a hundred times.
But he could also see the anger in her eyes,the pain, the broken heart.She only saw the man who took her life.
Yet for some reason, she couldn't take his.
And she stared straight into his eyes ,saw his fear, and his terror as he looked at his dead wife's corpse and realised,she had already broken him. Now he had to live broken,just like she was.
He closed his eyes,waiting for a slash to his throat, recounting memories, being at peace with his death. But he hears her footsteps fade, he stops hearing her breath, and he opens his eyes just as the darkness swallows her and she disappears into the night.
© Mapplethorpe