

Religious difference is blessing, Indeed.
In the history of mankind, we encountered multiple evolutions, and the biggest of all is there diversity. Life would be boring, or mankind would cease to exist if they had not respected the cultural, social, political, and religious differences. Religious diversity is the reason to why philosophy emerged more fascinatingly after introduction of monolithic religions. Indeed, the metaphysical salvation we have got is genuinely from religions of the world.
To narrate it simply, we see that Abrahamic religions have given us beauty of the Lord Almighty in the form of political, cultural, social and religious norms. In Judaism, we have learnt that law is equal for all of us. In Christianity, we learnt that brotherhood and love between people is more important than enmity and hatred. Through Islam, humanity has learned that women are equal, prisoners shall not be disrespected, cultures must be protected and good deeds, at any cost, must be done. Yes, these are the hate-mongers which deify hatred between the humans for their ulterior benefits. What a beautiful earth would be if all its sons and daughters are in true relationship of honor. Only through, genuine teachings of religions, we can earn that beautiful reward.
To sum up this short discussion, no one should be allowed to term "radical" any religion. Islam itself is a custodian of human civilization. Christianity is the bedrock of socioeconomic rights of men. Judaism has taught that no one is immune from the sovereignty of Lord Almighty. Respect all, so that the beautiful world nourishes from our hearts. It is us who are radical, but not religions. Our message is same, our teachings are same, our standings are same and above all our mother "earth" is same.
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