

🐺 THE CAVE 🐺 (Part 18)
Then we both ate! Then it was night and then Lancy called Aden but Aden didn't take the call! Lancy said sadly "Lia! I called Aden but he didn't pick up the call!", I said patiently "Don't worry baby! Maybe he is busy or he sleeping!", Lancy said "hmmm! Ok Lia!", Then we both went to sleep!I do not know why the whole memory was on Mr. Herman!.

Then I fell asleep in his memory! We left fast the next day and went to the office! I went inside my office and sat in my cabin! Then came Mr. Herman! He told me to come to his room right away! I immediately went to the CEO room! And I asked patiently "Boss! Tell me!", Mr.Herman said "sit down Lia!", Then I sat down!.

Mr.Herman asked in a doubt "Lia! I need to ask you a few things! Can you answer that? ", I said patiently "Yes Boss!", And Mr.Herman asked nervously "Lia! Is your father a journalist?", I asked confused "Boss! Why are you asking about my father?", Mr.Herman said "Lia! Please tell me! I need the answer!".

I said in a cold tone "No! My father is not a journalist!", Mr.Hermam asked in a shock "what? Don't lie lia!", I said angrily "Mr.Herman! I did not lie!", Mr.Herman replied "Hmmm! Okay! You go to your cabin!", Then I angrily came to my cabin and sat down! Aden came to the office! I said "Hi!! Aden!", Aden looked at me and said "hmm"!.

Then he quickly went to the CEO room! I was confused! Why are they behaving like this! Then after night work I went home! Then Lancy told me happily "Lia! Look here! Aden gave me this flowers!", I said sadly "woow! Nice baby!", Lancy asked confused "Lia! What happened? Why are you sad?".

I said with smile "No baby! it's just a headache!", Lancy said "ohhh ok! Come lets eat dinner!", I said "Lancy! I'm not hungry baby!", Then I went to my room and lay down! My whole memory was about what happened today! I felt so sad! I do not understand why Mr. Herman asked about my father!

🍀 To be continued 🍀


© ms_writer_8