

Sisters Sewing Things
There are five women’s living in shadow leigh nursing home together their names are Judy, Constance, Ber’Dale, Lexi, and Marlene they are all sisters and they love doing things together. I want to do some sewing said Judy yes we want to do some sewing to replied all four of the ladies. Grab a needle, a thread, and a thimble said Constance we have everything now we are all ready replied the rest of the ladies and all of them started sewing all of the five ladies were busy in shadow leigh nursing home and they were all happy to be together. In shadow leigh nursing home the sisters were sewing a lots of things in their room they sew clothes, they sew blankets for themselves, and they sew bags for themselves the ladies were working hard. That day on Lexi had lost her needle she couldn’t remember where she sat it down at so Lexi decided to steal Ber’Dale’s needle Ber’Dale was about to sew Constance a sweater because sometimes their room be getting cold and Constance body be cold then she catches colds and she also be having ear aches that day Ber’Dale was trying to sew Constance’s sweater then she turned where she put her needle and saw it wasn’t on the table where she left it. Where is my needle? I can’t find my needle said Ber’Dale Judy did you take my needle? Ber’Dale ask no no I didn’t I haven’t took anything replied Judy Constance did you take my needle off the table where I sat it on? Ber’Dale ask no Ber’Dale I didn’t touch yours I already have one go ask Marlene replied Constance Marlene where is my needle? I don’t know I am busy sewing my dress replied Marlene Judy, Constance, and Marlene are the only four people that said that they didn’t take Ber’Dale’s needle the only person who Ber’Dale didn’t ask was Lexi. Ber’Dale’s last person to ask was Lexi excuse me Lexi may I please have my needle that you stolen said Ber’Dale I am sorry Ber’Dale I had a needle but I lost mines I know I should of ask you but sadly I stole it instead please forgive me and here you go replied Lexi. Ber’Dale looked at her baby sister and showed mercy to her Lexi I want you to keep using the needle I can wait replied Ber’Dale. That evening the ladies were almost done sewing Ber’Dale was finished sewing Constance a sweater and lastly she sew Lexi a big bag here you go Lexi I sew you a big bag so you can put your nice things in there said Ber’Dale thank you Ber’Dale you are the sweetest sister I ever had replied Lexi oh Ber’Dale you have been really kind today let’s give her a hug replied Judy and they all did that evening the girls rested from all their hard work Lexi was about to sit in a chair but then she saw her needle it was on the chair that she was about to sit in Lexi picked the needle up and put it in te plastic container.
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