

Story behind my success
Hello my name is Ayesha . I am from aga Khan school garden . I live in Karachi with my family. I always learn in my life that believe in yourself . My dream is to be a author . I have share my ideas with alot of people . they just laughed at me by I was the one who can believe in my self . I love studying english . I have wrote many stories . I wanna start with a small try and I saved many app but I was not inspired accually I need compliment and so I tried writco . it's only 2 day and I am inspired reading stories and writting stories . inshallah my this little dream will make my success . I can't call it a proper suscess but I succeed my test for inspiration in life . I wrote funny , moral and many more stories and I will hope to post them
may god safe you from this virus
stay home stay safe
if you loved my stories , quotes and poems plz follow me