

Have you heard someone say things like ‘if my body is covered with mouths…’? Seriously, If we really had mouths all over our bodies I am sure that our bodies won’t last the way it should.

Something happened to me this morning and I the above statement really got me thinking. I got to my bus stop where I do take a bus to the office. I waited there for a long time and there was bus heading towards my direction. Now, I am running late for work. What do I do?

A car came by and the owner mentioned going to my direction. Seeing that they were other persons in the vehicle, I joined in. The driver was one of those car owners that use their private cars to do a quick pick up of passengers along on their way to the office. At least the little cash they make from such will add up to what they need to purchase fuel.

I was comfortable at the back seat as we were just three passengers. As we journeyed, my supposed comfort was cut short when the driver stopped along the road to pick up another passenger. This lady was very big and so, I and the other two passengers had to adjust our sitting position in order to accommodate her.
So, we became four passengers at the back seat of a small vehicle. I was the smallest in size of them all. So my sitting position shows that there was ‘trespassing’ on my space. On my left side, I couldn’t move my body freely. On my right, it was terrible.

The big lady was practically resting on my thigh and this affected my right leg. I felt as though my right leg would scream “Set me free!” They noticed my discomfort and what they said was “Please let’s just manage it for us to get to where we are going too”. I my right leg could talk, its response would have been, “Oh really?”.

I didn’t say a word; I was just listening to the ‘silent wailing’ of my right leg. The journey continued. The worst part of the journey was that none of the passenger highlighted at any bus stop along the way before the final bus stop. We were all in that vehicle until we got to the last bus stop.

We arrived at the final bus stop at last. All the passengers and I highlighted after paying the fare. My right leg practically went numb. I had to stand for a while. It was as though my right leg said, “I told you but you wouldn’t listen”. Now, this is the part where you face the consequence of not listening to that ‘cry for help’. I had to rub the leg a bit (tendering some sort of apology) before I could continue on my journey.

It’s a good thing that my right leg couldn’t talk because of it could, it would have screamed out for help and probably left me with just my left leg on my journey today.

So, have you had any experience where you sometimes feel a part or other parts of your body apart from your mouth could talk?