

My letter
This is my letter to those people who had loved and guided me all my life. My parents who always disciplined me and made me a better person each day and guided and supported all my decisions. To my friends who had been there for me in sad times and helped me get back up again, they make me happy and they are always with me and they never leave me behind. To the strangers who had helped me in times, they willingly helped me and they didn't ask for anything in return. To my teachers who had patience for me, they taught me everything they know and how to handle life and what to do and what or who I want to be in the future. To my pets who had always bring joy to me and made my life happier. To my doctor who made me better when I was sick. To my relatives who always been there as an extra support and they were always my second home. To my dearest friend who was always there for me, she was always there to listen to me even thought she had many problems of her own, she would still make time just to listen to me, I could never pay her back for her kindness to me, I could only pay back by being there for her as her friend and somehow like her sister because she was also like my sister and my second home. To my classmates who helped me in my homework when I was having a hard time understanding. To the authors of inspiring books, they have inspired me to move and take one step at a time and they inspired me to achieve my goals.
To my grandmother who was always there for me, and now that she is gone I promise to be a better person and to live my life as much as possible. These people are the people who had guided me through my life and I hope God blesses them for so much of their kindness, every single thing they have done is for my own good and I appreciate that, who are the people that inspired you in life?

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