

My Lust For Love Since Childhood 2
After Webster's mates noticed the sudden change in attitude of Webster,they started to wonder why he has changed. They started getting close to him just to be able to know his reason for changing but all he would say is "I feel loved",his friends would laugh at him and he would also laugh and go past them. Days went by and Webster's attitude was still the same. He would always eat lunch with Mia and never skip lunch but would not eat when Mia didn't eat.
Another random Saturday afternoon Mia and Webster were chatting as shown bellow
Mia:Hi Webs
Webster:Hello Mia
Mia:How are you?
Webster: As you are
Mia:Haha okay okay
Webster:Where are you now
Mia:I'm grounded home
Mia:Yh,they ain't gonna let me out
Webster:Okay,let me come and convince them
Mia:No Webs,it would just cause more problems
Webster:If you say so
Mia:Yh Webs
Webster:I would like us to meet
Mia:Not today so let's make it tomorrow
Webster:Okay,nice date
Mia:When I meet you tommorow I would give you a hug, I really miss you🙂
Webster:Haha,that's nice, at least a hug is normal
Mia:Yh,or would you something more
Webster: Something more like what
Mia:Like a peck or ...
Webster:Or...or what😅
Mia:Or a kiss
Mia:Why won't you talk
Webster: Because you've changed
Mia:How, you think I can't do it
Webster:Just make it a peck
Mia:Okay,but wait for the day I'll kiss you,surely
Webster:Not tommorow
Mia:Yh but I will,I do what I say
Webster:Okay,gotta go

After they ended the chat Webster kept thinking about what Mia said. He decided to sleep so that he would be able to have a calm mind .He woke up in the evening around 6 and saw Mia's message.He went to reply
Mia:Webs,it's night time and where are you, I'm missing you😔
Webster:I'm here Mia
Mia:I've been waiting for you for a while
Webster:I'm now back
Mia:I missed you so much,I can't wait to see you and kiss you
Webster:Haha,I thought you said it'd be a peck and a hug
Mia:I love you so much so I made it a kiss
Webster:I can't wait to meet you
Mia:Which means you accept it
Webster:A hug is normal
Mia:What about the kiss
Mia:I'll make you like it you will not regret it,can I tell you how I fel today
Webster:Okay.... I'm listening
Mia:I feel like I'm really falling for you
Webster: Really,haha
Mia:It's true
Mia:And do you feel the same?
Webster: You've made me kinda have some affection towards you
Mia:So what's the point
Webster:I'm loving you like in the process but let's wait till we grow up
Mia:Don't worry because I have never thought of loving you and I don't want to get into a relationship at this stage
Webster:So you mean you were joking from the beginning or what Mia?
Mia:Yh,I was joking sorry but I thought we were playing
Webster:You were playing,you made me think about you all the time,about what you said,it even made me change and you're saying you're joking🥺🥺
Mia:Don't make me sad,I thought we were all joking
Webster:So what about the hug and peck and kiss
Mia:That one is true
Webster:How can it be true if you don't love me or never thought about loving me why did you even say it to me,what would have happened if I over committed
Mia:so did you believe it
Webster:I almost but thanks for one thing,for telling me early 🥺😭
Mia:You're making me sad
Webster: oh don't be,I am the one who was hurt later
Mia:I will never forgive myself
Webster: I gotta go sleep,see you later,dear friend
Mia:....okay friend😭

That night Webster kept listening to music and he felt very sad for believing in a girl and kept thinking about what would have happened if he believed her that much.Mia also felt sorry for deceiving Webster.They all slept late because they were thinking about it
Monday arrived and Webster didn't go to school,Mia went but didn't find Webster there so she decided to go to his house. She went there looking for Webster and she was told by his mother that he was sleeping.Weeks passed by and Webster wasn't able to go to school because he still felt sorry. Finally after 2 weeks he went to school early that Monday morning. He was completely changed again,he never said a word till they closed,Mia always tried to get near him but he would successfully evade her.After the term exams,Webster's position went from 1st to 7th due to lack of concentration in class........

Hi guys,that's the second part of My Lust for Love Since Childhood 2,The final part will be released tommorow morning.

© Michael®