

Eternal Embrace
Part 1:
The first time I saw him I was at a party with my friends that I didn’t want to attend but I showed up because I didn’t want to disappoint them all. I didn’t imagine actually enjoying the night and not faking smiles in as many photos as I thought I would. My whole night was miserable before he walked in and walked towards me.

I totally thought he was going to talk to me but instead he didn’t and bumped right into me and didn’t even apologise. I asked what his problem was but he didn’t reply or even turn around and stop walking away. Without even thinking I ran in front of him to stop him walking away. He tried to walk around me but I didn’t allow it.

He told me not to bother him and I’d be safe but that made me want to talk to him more. I told him I didn’t care about being safe as long as my heart is at peace and is happy. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door of the party.

He then asked me if I was sure about risking my safety and so without hesitation I said yes. He then told me I was making a huge mistake and left in a blink of an eye before I could even respond to him.

When I went back into the party my friends didn’t even seem to notice me after I apologised for leaving the party so unexpectedly. Once the party was over I decided to walk by myself as everyone was just ignoring me.

The person I’d met earlier then said he told me I was making a mistake. I asked him what he meant but all he did was just laugh but there was no humour in it. He told me if we were to know each other and be at least friends that nobody could know about him so I couldn’t be seen or heard by anyone. Or at least until I asked to be seen again by them and no longer see him anymore like the rest of them.

I decided to give him a chance and become friends with him and we even went to cafes together and didn’t pay because nobody could see us. Something was off about him but I couldn’t tell what so I tried to ignore it.

We spent weeks together just talking like we’ve known each other all of our lives and could tell each other anything. One night he told me to meet him at the park because he had something to show me.

I had to sleep all day to make sure I didn’t have him waiting in the park whilst I slept the time away so I was feeling quite energised when I awoke.

When I finally got to the park two minutes early I saw lights hung from tree to tree and a picnic blanket set on the grass. He then came out from behind a tree and startled ne and gestured for me to sit down on the picnic blanket.

I waited for him to do the same but he just stood there looking at me. He then told me that I can’t scream when he shows me the surprise.

He then opened his mouth and I saw fangs and it took all my strength to not scream in surprise. He then must’ve noticed because in one second he was sitting in front of me with one of his hands covering my mouth and the other on his lips gesturing for me to stay quiet.

When I finally absorbed all the information in and calmed down both of his hands moved to his knees. He told me not to worry and that he won’t hurt me. I then couldn’t help but ask if he was really a vampire and he just silently nodded. He then got up to leave but my hand gripped onto his wrist to keep him there with me in that moment.

He then gently escaped from my grip I had on his wrist and started to walk away so fast I had to run to keep up with him. I told him to stop walking so fast and just talk to me but he just kept walking away from me. I told him I didn’t care if he was a vampire or a human because I’d trust him and love him either way no matter who he was and what he looked like.

Finally, he stopped walking and turned to me and hugged me right before pulling away from me and holding onto my hands. He told me that he was ashamed of who he was and to never trust a word that comes out of his mouth and to never love him.
Part 2:
I couldn’t believe that he was trying to control my own heart’s decisions. I told him he was the only person my heart had ever trusted and he suspected me by asking about my friends and family. I told him that I’ve got no family as they’re all dead and have been since I was two years old. I told him that my own parents betrayed me and I wasn’t even surprised when I heard them talking about betraying me. He asked if I trusted them before the betrayal then and I said that when I learned English fast by the age of two I heard their plans behind my back. My words were quivering so I took a deep breath before continuing.

I said that I heard my parents planning to kill me after they found out all the money in the Will would go to me because all my family was already dead. I told him I called the cops and my parents were taken to jail immediately and I got news a week later saying that they were dead and the funeral would be in a month. I said I had no intentions of going to the funeral but I had nobody to drive me anyways and nowhere to go.

He then hugged me with such care that it mended the child inside me who’s parents hated them because they though they weren’t good enough for them and their money. He told me he was sorry for everything I went through so I told him that I don’t care about it anymore as it has no hold over who I am today.

He asked about my friends so I told him that since my parents tried to kill me I always thought everyone was always plotting to kill me too. I told him that what’s even worse is I’m trusting a vampire who kills people over humanity.

He then stopped hugging me and looked anywhere but at me. As he got up he whispered lightly in my ear that humans kill people too and walked away. I tried to grab onto his wrist but this time that wasn’t going to help me in this situation so I had to use my voice.

I told him how he’s not just any vampire because he didn’t kill me when he had the chance and seems to be nicer than the ones I’ve heard of. He then stopped walking away and in the speed of light he had his fangs right on my neck. He told me to not trust him and that his species are not nice people.
Part 3:
His fangs began to sink into my neck and I fell down to the ground and he did the same with his fangs still in my neck. I tried to scream but he was covering my mouth with his hand. As soon as I started to bleed though he let go of me and sat up.

I said that he’d have to try harder than that to scare me but this time he lifted his hands up in surrender and didn’t do anything. I then got up after a couple minutes of us not saying anything to go home. He didn’t even reach out to stop me so I just continue because maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn’t as good as other people who’d like to be friends or even date me. Since when did u ever listen to warning about people and their personalities though? The answer is never.

When I finally got home after a long walk and went to close my door he was standing there not even looking exhausted one bit. He asked if he could come in so I let him. I even gave him a whole house tour as it was his first time coming over. When I showed him my bedroom though he looked kind of different so I asked if he was okay. I almost thought he wasn’t going to say anything until he finally replied and said he hadn’t had any blood for a few days. I felt kind of bad not having anything for him to drink but I wasn’t to know I’d have company over.

I began to panic about him running around and breaking things to try and find some blood that wasn’t there. He obviously could sense my panic but though because he told me he wouldn’t dare hurt me but he got the cause of my panic all wrong.

When I got off the couch to get a snack once one of the episodes of our favourite series had finished I bumped into a cabinet really hard and fell over. He then came over to check on the wound and I could see the pain in his eyes to not drink the blood running down my knee so I told him he could drink some. He hesitated for a second before telling he’d be gentle before drinking the blood on my knee.
Part 4:
I had no idea how long he was planning on just drinking the blood oozing out of my knee. After minutes of him not budging at all I figured he must be very hungry so didn’t disturb him. After he stopped drinking my blood for a couple seconds he didn’t look any better than he did before. Before I know it though he whispered in my ear that he was sorry before biting my neck and all the blood in my body was now just going out of my neck and down his throat.

It hurt and I kept on almost losing consciousness but I had to fight closing my eyes because anytime could be the last time I close my eyes. Eventually though it was too much to bare and I fainted and fell to the ground.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed with a person who looked like a doctor but he wasn’t there. When I asked where he went to the doctor all he did was just give me a note. All the note said was just how he couldn’t be trusted around me and not to go looking for him. It also said that the doctor was someone he could trust and that he’d show up to the hospital to give me a small gift and then leave for the last time.

After a whole day of being checked by the doctor as if I was going to hit my head on the wall or something and bleed to death finally he showed up to see me. His eyes looked all puffy and like he’d been crying for days and he had bloodshot eyes about to pop.

He sat on my hospital bed and the doctor left the room as he looks like he’s finally going to say something to me. He tells me that he’s really sorry about leaving me and I can see disappointment in his eyes. I tell him it’s not his fault but he just shaked his head. I tell him I don’t care if he’s killed someone or wants to or will kill me because I love him and I can’t change my feelings no matter what and I don’t want to. He then nods his head and says it’s impossible for a human and a vampire to be together and that he does love me too though and our lips make contact. I can’t help but wonder if there’s anyway to keep him with me.
Part 5:
When it finally ended and he pulled away I was miserable at the fact that he likes me back but of course a vampire and a human can’t be together as everyone always says. As I said before though I don’t listen to anyone especially when it comes to my future like this.

I can tell he doesn’t want to leave though because he tries to stall him leaving by talking about the weather. He even went as far as telling me his name was Lee but I could call him Leo and I told him I was called Evelyn. When he tried to eventually leave after an awkward conversation that ended with laughter with no humor was when i begun to finally cry and burst into tears the second he was about to step out of the room.

He stopped for just a second but then continued walking and that just broke my heart even more. The doctor then walked in and could clearly sense the tension in the room and asked me what was wrong so I said Leo left me and that note he gave me proved he was never going to see me again. He then put down his notebook on a table in the middle of the room and sat on the end of my hospital bed. He then told me I was free to go as everything seemed to be fine now and that he could give me Leo’s address.

When I finally got to the address that the doctor gave me I knocked on the door and the second he answered he already managed to look worse and he’d lost quite a lot of weight. At least though he looked like he’d been drinking the blood that he needs.

He then asked me about what I was doing showing up at his house after he told me not to but I’d forgotten all about that the second I’d gotten his addess to go and see him. I told him that if he turned me into a vampire then we could be together happily. He of course then told me that the kind of stuff I’m talking about only happens in the movies and maybe in another life we could be together.

I mentioned about maybe it could solve all of our problems but Leo said when one problem goes away another grows in its place. Clearly then Leo isn’t the person to go to so I could get turned into a vampire so I had to find someone else to do it. It couldn’t just be anyone though because it had to be someone I know well and can control their thirst instead of killing me. Who should I go to then? How long will it take?
Part 6:
It took weeks but eventually I found someone but they weren’t someone I feel I’ll ever trust so that’s my first dead end. I was so annoyed though I couldn’t keep it in so I had to get my guy best friend to help me out and he then took me to his house.

I was a bit nervous but he was the only friend I actually liked and enjoyed going to parties with. Next thing I know though his fangs were in my neck for a couple seconds and it was more painful than the last time but I lost a lot less blood I guess. He then went to go and get a knife to cut himself so I could move onto step two of becoming a vampire.

After I finished drinking his blood which did not taste good we moved onto the third step of trying a ritual that took an hour to setup and half an hour to actually perform it. The next stage was the final stage and I had to show up to Leo’s house to finish the process. This was going to be a tough stage but I’d be lucky enough if he hadn’t changed his address or look. All there’s left to do is hope so I try and focus on that as I start to walk alone to Leo’s house.

When I finally get there he doesn’t open the door and I can sense he’s in there so I broke a window with my fist and the window wasn’t the only thing that broke.

When I finally managed to break the window my hand was bleeding really badly and I saw Leo rushing downstairs with a bat and his fangs stuck out. As soon as he saw me though he put those away but once again I was about to lose consciousness and I had to tell Leo about the fourth and final step.

When I finally told him he said now but then I fell over and he caught me and my time was clearly almost up to complete the process and we both knew it. I then accepted my fate and closed my eyes for the last time.
Part 7:
When he stopped kissing me and I opened my eyes again he had a mattress on the couch and a duvet and a pillow. When I asked he said that I had to stay over tonight for my own safety. He also said that tonight he was also going to spend the night on the floor so I’d be more protected.

When everything was set up and we went to sleep he moved his bed closer to the couch and held my hand that was almost falling to the ground. He then kissed it and kept on holding it tight but still quite gentle then.

When I woke up Leo was making breakfast in the kitchen. When I tried to sneak up on him though he just said good morning to me and I guess he would have good senses, wouldn’t he? He then gave me a hug and it felt even better than before. Until my body started to hurt everywhere and I remembered I’m now a vampire. He told me it was just my thirst and I’d have to drink some blood. The only problem though is we’d have to go to the cemetery and dig up a grave. I wasn’t very sure about it but Leo said it’s either that or thirsting to death.

When we got to the cemetery I wondered why he was making breakfast if vampires can’t eat food. When I asked him he just said it was for the person who was going to have their grave digged up. I had no idea what he meant until he poured the food over the grave and the ground just absorbed it.

Leo told me that’s the first time the ground has ever accepted his offer like that. I started to panic as Leo dug up the grave to get the blood bags so I decided to leave the cemetery until I heard some creepy grunts nearby.

I told them to shut up and stop trying to freak me out until I opened my eyes again and I was surrounded by people with stitches all over their heads and dry blood covering their arms. They were looking like zombies so I believed it because after all of vampires exist, why can’t zombies?

There might’ve first been just a couple of them but now there’s thousands and the circle of them around me is getting closer and closer and closer. As they get much closer than before I could barely breathe so I tried to breathe for the last time as they began to attack me whilst Leo was still digging up some person’s grave.
Part 8:
Just as I’d lost all hope I heard Leo screaming something and suddenly he was brought into the circle next to me. I looked at him annoyed but he just shrugged and passed me a blood bag whilst he drank from one himself. I gave him a confused look but he just prodded me to drink from it.

I thought he was stupid making us not waste stuff as we were both going to die together until we both finished it and we had a sugar rush and started to fight the zombie people off without even thinking. I began to panic as I was losing energy and Leo had like five bags of blood in the time it took me to finish one off and he had plenty of energy left.

I was back at square one again and almost being killed when Leo killed that zombie and then he got attacked by them at a thousand different times and I helped him out and as we ran away a rope tied our legs together.

After me and Leo woke up from the thing that was injected into us both by the zombies we were both tied to some railing next to each other with someone walking towards us laughing and slowly clapping his hands together. It seemed like Leo knew him though by the look on his face. I threw him a confused look but he just looked away and ignored it.

The tension in the room caused by Leo and the guy looking at each other very annoyed was finally gone after the guy said that he needed to use me as an experiment as the first human to successfully turn into a vampire. Leo looked absolutely disgusted at the thought as they guy untied me but kept holding onto my hands very tightly whilst Leo screamed helplessly in vain.

After the guy tied me up and took a lot of my blood he grabbed a stake and aimed it at my heart before finally throwing it and… FIND OUT MORE IN BOOK 2! COMING VERY SOON!
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