

The necklace
I woke up in pain in the middle of a dark forest.I tried to stand up and find a way out of the forest but fell back, I looked over at my legs and i was injured badly and had no memory of whatsoever happened that led me here. I looked around to try and find a way out and then I saw a small cabin that was dimly lit up.

I stood up and started limping my way through the forest to get to the cabin. I was getting closer to the cabin but then I heard a loud howl at the deep end of the forest.Then I heard sounds in the bushes,I looked around but couldn't find the wolf and then I limped faster and the closer I got to the cabin,the louder the sounds became.

I tried to run but I tripped and fell. As I looked up I saw a grey wolf towering over me and then memories started flashing in my head. I was being attacked by an army of soldiers who were throwing flaming arrows at me. I got on to the wolf and ran away from the town and deep into the forest but the soldiers found me and the last thing I remember was telling the wolf to leave and then an arrow was fired and it went dark.

I could understand and speak to the wolf. The name of the wolf was Sunset and the town I ran from was a small town where the market was. I went there to get a few things and before I could get back I was attacked by the soldiers.

I got on top of Sunset and told her to take me to the cabin. When we got to the cabin the door was locked.As I was looking around trying to find something to force the door open, the necklace I was wearing started glowing and then the door opened. I walked into the cabin and the lights came on.

I looked around for something to use and clean my wounds and then a lady came out of one of the rooms in the cabin.She had long brown hair that covered up herback, emerald green eyes and was dressed in a golden dress made of silk and her skin looked so clear.
"Lily are you alright" she asked, I couldn't remember this lady at all. She sighed and told me to lie down.

When I laid down on the floor, she placed both her hands on my leg and her necklace started glowing as well and it was so similar to mine.After a while it stopped glowing and she took her hands away and told me to try and walk.I stood up and the pain was gone,she healed my leg.

I looked over at her in shock and she smiled back at me.She stood up and went to bring an odd looking liquid and she told me to drink it,I was skeptical but decided to trust her and drink it and when I did I started getting dizzy and my head was hurting and then I passed out.

I woke up and she was kneeling beside me looking worried,"Do you remember now Lily ",she asked and when I remained quiet she told me to close my eyes and that's when it all came flooding back to me. I was the present queen of Alvania and the old lady was my mother Scarlett.

"How did you find me ?," I asked. She pointed at my necklace and then at Sunset.
"I found out when you ran away and Sunset came to me and we were able to find you through your necklace,Elena has been worried about you"

Elena was my daughter.My mother and I got on Sunset and went back to the castle.The minute we got there my daughter ran to me.I hugged her in tears,I was finally reunited with my family.We all walked inside the palace together.


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