

The Dead.
Once upon a time, they lived a girl named Akay. She was a Beautiful and young girl at the age of eighteen.
She was kind-hearted and generous. A beautiful soul within her.
Akay lived in the City of Durban with her mother Aty and her father Timothy and younger brother. Her brother was Kimy,at the age of twelve years old.

She was at the Hibiscus Mall with her parents and little brother.
Akay was enjoying shopping with her parents and brother.

Akay: This is the best shopping day ever.
Timothy: This is the best shopping day ever. I am so happy.
Aty: I am so happy that we are enjoying shopping together.
Kimy: I am so happy. Sister Akay is always spending time on her studies.
Timothy: You should do the same,Kimy dear. I am so proud of my daughter. She is so focused on her education. I am so pr...
Aty: Our daughter. You mean.

*Timothy smiles and winkles at Aty.*

Timothy: I am so proud of our daughter. She makes proud. Also proud of our cute son.
Aty: I am so proud of our daughter. We are so proud of you,Akay and Kimy.
Akay: We are so lucky to have you as our parents,mom and dad.
Kimy: We are so lucky to have you as our parents,mom and dad.
Akay: We love you so much,mom and dad.