

The Dead.
Once upon a time, they lived a girl named Akay. She was a Beautiful and young girl at the age of eighteen.
She was kind-hearted and generous. A beautiful soul within her.
Akay lived in the City of Durban with her mother Aty and her father Timothy and younger brother. Her brother was Kimy,at the age of twelve years old.

She was at the Hibiscus Mall with her parents and little brother.
Akay was enjoying shopping with her parents and brother.

Akay: This is the best shopping day ever.
Timothy: This is the best shopping day ever. I am so happy.
Aty: I am so happy that we are enjoying shopping together.
Kimy: I am so happy. Sister Akay is always spending time on her studies.
Timothy: You should do the same,Kimy dear. I am so proud of my daughter. She is so focused on her education. I am so pr...
Aty: Our daughter. You mean.

*Timothy smiles and winkles at Aty.*

Timothy: I am so proud of our daughter. She makes proud. Also proud of our cute son.
Aty: I am so proud of our daughter. We are so proud of you,Akay and Kimy.
Akay: We are so lucky to have you as our parents,mom and dad.
Kimy: We are so lucky to have you as our parents,mom and dad.
Akay: We love you so much,mom and dad.

*Akay and Kimy embraced their parents with so much joy.*

Timothy and Aty: We love you too so much.

Aty: Let's get to shopping now.
Timothy: Yes,we should do it before your mother changes her mind.

*They chuckles as they left to shop.*

Mark Klotz was a young and handsome man,at the age of twenty one.
He was a famous musician and model,well known as KJ.

Mark was at the Mall with his elder sister Praise and his two friends Dymon and James.
Most of his fans went to him asking for an autograph and he happily gave it,with so much joy.

Praise: This is the best day for ever, Mark.
Mark: I am glad that you are enjoying it, sister.
Praise: I am so happy,Mark. I got to spend some time with you.
Dymon: And us too, baby.

*She smiled.*

Praise: Yes, Dymon. I am so happy to be with you all.
James: Such an amazing day.
Mark: I can't wait to see what God brought me here for.
James: Girlfriend?
Mark: She won't that only,but my whole life. My heartbeat,my golden sunshine.
Praise: We heard you.

*They chuckles as they head in the store, looking at the clothes.*
*Mark was shopping with them too.*
*He gazed at her first entry in the store, smiling,he was so mesmerized by her beauty,her eyes shining like a bright moon.*
*She was so happy showing her parents and brother the beautiful dresses.*
*Her smile,her voice sounded so melodious, her steps sensing as an Angel walks in heaven.*

Mark: "My universe,my heartbeat. Queen of my heart. My sunshine. My ocean sky. So good. Beautiful as the moon. Her smile is so golden. Her voice,that beautiful song with a melodious voice.

*Praise, Dymon and James noticed him and smiled busy with looking closely at him.*
*As soon as she turned,he turned away smiling and blushing looking at a shirt.
*He sighed smiling.*

Mark: So beautiful.
Dymon: Go to her,KJ.
Mark: What?
Praise: Yes,Mark. She is so beautiful after all.
Mark: She is not alone. She is with her parents.
James: You are right. They will chop your feet into pieces.

*They laughed softly looking at Mark.*

*Akay smiled looking at a snow wedding doll couple. It was also the remain one in store.*

Akay: Wow.

*Aty saw her and quickly went to her smiling.*
*Mark quietly looked at the snow wedding doll, smiling.*

Aty: Beautiful, isn't it?
Akay: Yes,mom. It's very beautiful. I have dre....
Aty: I know . Don't finish it. It's not for you yet,Akay.
Akay: I ...
Aty: You have always loved those dolls,dear. Look at Kimy. He is so happy with them. You are still a student in medical. Come on now. Let's take one of those.
Akay: Okay,mom.

*Akay smiled going with Aty,where Kimy chose his favourite dolls, smiling at Timothy.*
*Mark saw them leaving and took the snow wedding doll.*
* He made the payment and turned only to see Praise, Dymon and James staring at him quitely.*

Mark: What happened?
Praise: You couldn't find anything?
Dymon: Why a doll,Mark?
James: You,a multi millionaire with a doll?
Praise:Are you possessed?

*Mark chuckles.*

Mark: I am absolutely okay. I love this doll. My heartbeat loves it so much.

*He smiled as he waved at Praise, Dymon and James.*

Praise: Where to?
Dymon: Why are you going?
Mark: Here is the card, sister.

*They were so surprised and shocked, happy too.*

Praise: Card?
Mark: Yes. Get whatever you like.
Dymon: That girl is so blessed.
Mark: Don't worry, brother in-law. I have learnt from you. I love you.
James: You go. Don't worry.
Praise: See you. Take care of yourself.
Mark: I will. I promise, sister.

* He smiled waving at them as he goes out of the Mall.
*Praise, Dymon and James were so happy as they continued shopping.*

© Tabeth Shoko.