

Birthday girl

I may not have been the person you wanted to be friends with. I may not have been what you wanted me to be. I may not have been there to share the best moments of your life, or the worse. But I promise to do the best I can. You’re one of the pillars of my strength. And I hope to always be one of yours.

Sometimes I wonder how you know me so well. I’ve always had a handicap of expressing my feelings verbally (Funny, people think otherwise). But you know things even before I tell you. (Seriously, what kind of sorcery is that?) You know when I am upset. You also know when I just need someone to sit with me to share the silence if I don’t want to talk, or when I’m just being a stubborn ass. Somehow, you know. But you never give me the luxury of being in denial or get fed lies. It is a type of quality that makes you irreplaceable and unique.

You know exactly how incredibly immature and naive I can act...