

Marriage proposals
A girl named Nufsat is waiting for her bus. Actually, Nufsat will be traveling from one city to another. It will take about13hour. On the other hand, The bus is late today.So nufsat is worried.
After One hour late, The bus comes finally.
Nufsat : O!bus conductor brother!What the reason of the late Today?
Bus conductor: Madam ji! An accident occured.
Nufsat: Oh!sad...so everything okay,Now?
Conductor : Madam ji! Might be But many of them were badly injured.
Nufsat: Oh...How sad! Don't worry Big brother! In Sha Allah
Everything will be fine.
Conductor: Madam ji!Here are your sit.
Nufsat : Thank you...May Allah bless you.And listen don't call me madam. Call me sister.
conductor: (Smiling )Oh...okay sister.
At that moment, an old man calls the conductor.
Old man: conductor...Where are my seat?
Conductor: Sorry uncle!There have no sit available.
Old man:But I have to go.
Conductor:Uncle..you have to travel by standing.
That time..someone calls.."conductor brother"
Conductor : Oh sister..Do you need anything?
Nufsat: Yes...brother..I like to travel by standing..So You can give this sit to the old man.
Conductor: No..sister...It doesn't need. You can sit.. I will give him a sit after a passenger 's sit will be empty.
Nufsat: brother...You give that empty sit to me. But This sit for the old man...Uncle. please take my sit.
Old man: Oh girl! thanks a lot...May Allah bless you.
Nufsat gives smile.
After Reaching the city of her destination..Nufsat feels very happy. She comes here for her cousin 's marriage. Actually, Marriage proposal was for her but The boy rejected her because she found more charm on her cousin than her.Nufsat was rejected by many boys earlier. But she had no regression. Because she wants to live positive.As she is not as beautiful as her other sisters, She is very well behaved.
Before going the cousin's home, She goes in a sweet shop. She buys some sweet for her cousins family. But on the road, She finds some girls .The girls ask help for money. But nufsat has only Some money to go home. So, She gives the sweet box to the begger girls . They all happy to get that and says"You are very kind...May Allah bless you.."
Nufsat smiles.
But she worries and thinks What will take with her for her cousins.
At that mean time...A stranger women comes...
Stranger : Assalamulaikum daughter...Are you Nufsat?
Nufsat: Walaikum assalam. Yes How do you know me?
Women: I know you actually..Are you married?
Nufsat: No...But why?
Women:Can you see the boy?
Nufsat looks at the boy who is standing side of the sweet shop.
Nufsat is surprised. Because He is the first boy who rejected her first.
Nufsat: Yes..I know him. My family knows his family.
Women: Actually,I am his aunty. He wants to talk with you.
Nufsat : Aunty..I will
Women Calls the boy.
Nufsat: Mohsin....How are you?
Mohsin: Alhamdullilah.
Nufsat: Are you finishing your Mbbs study?
Mohsin: No..I am just new intern.
Nufsat :oh Good...So what's you want to say?
Mohsin: See...Nufsat..I am sorry. Actually that time..I thought that I would be a doctor and I deserved the best girl of the world.That's why, I rejected you. But I never think that You are not just good...Now I think you are the best...Please I have a proposal for you. Marriage proposal...
Nufsat: See...Mohsin...I know that every one has a right to choice the best for himself or herself...You don't need to be sorry...
Mohsin: Are you agree for this proposal.?
Nufsat: I will think about it...You can tell to my parents if they are agree so I am too.
After Finishing Her cousin marriage, Nufsat reaches her home...when She enters the home...Her mother smiles...
Mother: Nufsat...good news...A proposal comes for you....
Nufsat: Alhamdulillah..
Mother: Go inside...They are waiting for you.
Nufsat enters the house and is surprised to see that old man who took her sit in the bus.
Old man: daughter....He is my grandson, Karim...I want to see karim and you together.
Nufsat gives a smile but she feels hurting she thinks that Mohsin proposal may come for her.
Nufsat: Mother and father...Do you agree?
Father: I am very happy...karim is very good boy...karim..You want to talk anything with nufsat?
Karim: Yes ...I just want to say...Nufsat..You give sit my grand father....In Sha Allah I will give you respected sit in my heart and I will keep you happy...
After thinking a minutes,
Nufsat smiles..
Nufsat: So ..Father....fix the date...
Everyone say "Alhamdulillah"
Nufsat and karim marriage are completed.They are now happy in their life.
But What about Mohsin?
Yes...Mohsin propsal comes..after a day when nufsat and karima already fix their marriage date.
But when The mohsin's proposal comes..Nufsat family reject him as He rejected nufsat badly once.
Nufsat says nothing as She gets a good person in her life because karim is the only one boy...who doesn't reject her in first sight.Mohsin tries a lot to get nufsat but He fails at least.💚

Moral: Before Reject anyone Think properly...Otherwise when You feel sorry and want to get him or her.......He or she may not be available for you.💚