

In the middle of Europe, there's a small country known to be one of the happiest one in the world. For a lot of people, Switzerland means luxury and money. For others, it means chocolate and cheese. For me, it means more than that.

I was born, I grew up and went to school in Geneva. In this city, I learn that unfortunately, education base on knowledge and altruism was a privilege. Everyday, I feel lucky and thanks the universe for this incredible gift, because I learn also the value of expressions as "Good morning", "thank you" or "Have a nice day". For swiss people, the politeness is very important !

Here, surrounded by mountains, we try to live in harmony with all human being, but also with the nature.

In winter, we go skiing or ice skating.
In spring, we hike in our beautiful forests.
In summer, we swim in our thousand lakes.
In fall, we hike again.

No matter in wich part of Switzerland we live or the language we speak ( German, french or italian) we share the same hobbies in a peaceful atmosphere. Maybe, it's the secret of happiness.

© SaraHope