

The Eleventh Hour
First read

This is so important and this is my eleventh story here the reason I've chosen to write on this topic. How many times , no that is a wrong question. The truth is almost everything occurs to us in the eleventh hour. Once we learn how to overcome this instinct we will be good at so many things from our life, health, relationships to mention a few. We can lose good friends because of our lack of foreseeing yhings and we learn it only in the eleventh hour. As a result we continue to lose to have happiness in life. Like losing good friends, studies etc.

This is not a privilege for only a few. More than half of the successful people learned it by failing in the beginning. It's a lack of judgment we have about things in life. We need to stop judging others to have a clear knowledge or if not atleast don't have a blurred knowledge of the things we know. It is really not important to know everything. A really successful person only knows the things he does and he simply doesn't have little to nothing knowledge about the things he doesn't require. This clear judgment about himself makes him stand out in front of others.

This is quality to have a clear knowledge about oneself and not to make any judgment of others is an important step to come to a standard that we don't miss out in the eleventh hour. It is so important to be successful in life and for this this is one of the things that is going to make you stand out as someone reliable, honest, true and a compassionate human bring who is capable of doing things what others can't do.

A lot of things are connected to this from achieving your dreams, leading your life and learning to be content with things you have. This quality will not make you adventurous to do things evil to the society, but instead this quality will make you a real person who you see in others.

To conclude practice on this one quality of not judging others and you will be a better judge of yourself changing you to a better person. You will no longer learn things that are important for your life in the eleventh hour and will stop from losing many precious things in life that is good for you and for the society and you'll be able to see things better before losing them.
© S. Francis Hector