

I was 11 years old on that time. I was in my grandmouth's house to spend the summer vacations. I am the only child of my parents. I didn't like to went and spend some time in my grandmouth's house. I use to 😴 alone in my personal room in my grandmouth's house but by this incident I refuse to sleep alone in my grandmouth's house.So, one night I was sleeping, I felt some thrusty and wake up. I felt some think different. I was not able to move my body. I tried but nothing was happening. my all tries were going worth. suddenly I noticed some soft sweet sound whispered in my ears, then I suddenly realized that I was not alone in this room. I was trying to call some one but my voice was not coming out from my mouth. I felt a soft touch on my arm. I was very scared and was unable to call someone. After some second later every think became normal for some minutes. Suddenly I felt strange gravitational force on my whole body. My heart was in my mouth. But by collecting some drops of courage and I opened my ears, I was shocked, there was a completely black shadow who's legs can be seen properly beside my neck and his face was some clumsy. I was very very scared. suddenly I felt a hand which was very cold rub against my forehead and I also felt that some one was pulling my feet slowly and slowly. I started praying god in my heart and after some time I fell asleep. I tell this to my grandmother but she didn't trust me.