

Embodied Serenity
I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am. In the hushed, ethereal stillness, I find solace with my true self, embracing the embrace of solitude. The world is asleep, cocooned under the veil of slumber, while I stand on the threshold of dreams and reality, where my essence becomes beautifully unclouded.

As the darkness slowly yields to the faintest gleam of light, the stillness of the world merges with the serenity in my heart. I feel the gentlest touch of tranquility brush against my skin, leaving trails of fleeting whispers on my face, whispering secrets only the dawn can hold. In this silvery-grey symphony, where everything is laden with possibility, I become an amalgamation of hopes, fears, and undiscovered destinations.

My bare feet trace the pathway of virgin dewdrops upon the grass, connecting me to the pulse of the Earth awakening. The world, often fraught with distractions, is temporarily on hiatus. There's an unspoken pact between the sleeping world and I – during these hallowed hours, I am set free from the shackles of societal expectations and given the freedom to wander within the labyrinth of my own thoughts.

Birds gradually rouse from their slumber, joining the distant symphony orchestrated by a nature still drowsy but awakening. Their melodious songs echo through the ethereal canvas of the dawn, weaving dreams anew within me. The gentle swaying of the trees seamlessly harmonizes with the rustling leaves, whispering stories of resilience, impermanence, and growth. It is amidst this tapestry of living poetry that I find solace and inspiration to be true to myself.

In the glow of morning’s first light, familiar landscapes transform into ethereal tapestries: the ordinary transcends into realms of extraordinary. The glistening rooftops become ivory towers suspended amidst the heavens, and the roads—once traversed without much thought—become enchanted pathways leading to newfound possibilities. I can’t help but marvel at the revelation that every instant holds the potential for a miraculous turning point, that each step taken could unveil a realm yet unexplored.

Slowly, the world awakens, transitioning from the silent cocoon of the night to the vibrant symphony of life. Yet, in the midst of bustling awakenings, I remain an island of tranquility. The shroud of serenity I carry within dissolves into the sun-kissed air, allowing it to permeate my very being. The world's expectations no longer carry weight; instead, I embrace my innermost truths, unfurling my wings of authenticity, and soar towards the boundless horizon of self-discovery.

As the sun emerges from its celestial hiding place, it casts luminescent tendrils across the lands, creating melting hues of rose and gold. Walking on this ever-changing canvas, I find myself immersed in a momentary bliss, forever treasuring the deep breaths I take in, feeling as though I am inhaling the very essence of life itself. It is in this splendid embrace of day’s awakening that I am reminded, time and again, that the most profound sense of self is often discovered within the simplicity of a single breath.

I’ve always liked the time before dawn because it reminds me of my true essence, beckoning me to embrace my perceived flaws and illuminate their inherent beauty. It is within this sacred communion that I am reminded that I am, indeed, a soul not confined to society's expectations. In the embrace of the dawn, I find equilibrium between who I am and who I aspire to become, honoring my individuality, and cherishing the serenity that accompanies me as I walk this beautifully uncharted path called life.
© Jevanjee