

Reflection of the mirror part 5
•part 5 is here finally!!!
(warning!!!!to the people who are easily disturbed please do not read this!!!!)

Lilacy, catching her breath by what she just saw

"what was that!? I just saw a double...my aunt- well..my real aunt is dead"

and from a distance she could hear the sirens of the police coming

a few hours later and Lilacy's home

"Lilacy, I'm so sorry you had to see that.."

said her mom, gently and shakily

Lilacy, not saying a word went up to her bedroom and locked herself in the whole night


hi...its me..uh Lilacy again..ever since of what happened yesterday, I can't sleep and stop thinking about what happened,I could've saved my aunt if I arrived earlier..no..maybe her clone arrived at midnight or something..the police were also shocked of what happened..they questioned my mom if my aunt had a twin, and no she doesn't have a twin. This disturbing feeling hasn't left my body yet, I feel like I'm being watched at night and wherever I go..its just..weird. The party is today and I have to attend, I think this can ease my mind a bit and make me forget the whole thing..well...maybe..

"Lilacy!!you made it!!"

said Ruby happily

"ahaha..I'm here I couldn't miss your party for the world!!"

said Lilacy happily

and so they partied and partied, they talked and chatted with each other

"I have to go home Ruby"

said Lilacy while looking at her watch

"awww ok..see you at school then!"

said Ruby

as Lilacy was going out of the door the rain had started to pour and it was very late

"oh gosh its raining hard, I guess we have to stay here"

said Cherry

"why don't you guys sleep here? I mean its late and it doesn't look like the rain would stop anytime soon"

"sure, but can your mom contact our parents that we are staying here just in case?"

said the twins, Quinn and Princess

"oh sure ok"

said Ruby happily

left with no choice, Lilacy had ti sleep for the night. The 5 girls went to Ruby's room and slept


uhhh hi again, Lilacy here, I think I heard something downstairs, oh guys I'm so nervous, It sounded like a glass bottle broke and my friends are still asleep, I'll check it out.

Lilacy, went down the stairs silently
and as she assumed, yes there was the glass bottle that was broken into pieces

Guys, I heard the trash in the backyard get slammed down, maybe its a stray cat..? I need to see what's going on..

Lilacy goes outside and sees the trash can knocked out and sees a girl standing...

"who is that...?"

said Lilacy shakily




to be continued....