

(One's true colours can be dull.....)

Tears were streaming down my face as I stood in the balcony . They were falling so freely as the leaves do in the autumn season . I was accompanied by the rain which seemed as if silver melting ropes were being suspended from the eternal sky . I wanted to tell someone . I wanted someone to hold me close . I wanted to share my sorrowfulness with a person who could only listen to me and not advice me anything at that moment , for me just wanted to ameliorate the burden I was carrying .

I thought of telling my momma about the incident , but how could you do that when she was the one who told you that these relationships take you nowhere and especially this early in your life . My momma once said , "....At this stage we all want to get attention , we all want to be loved , but sweetheart why to do this thing so early when you have your whole life ahead of you . Opportunities foreseeing there for you . New chances are begging you to take them and your would-be faults are hidden behind those vacancy doors . Open them !!...."
Those words of hers were constantly playing in my head for I have done what she told me not to do.

*Nine hours ago*

He would be leaving his home today and he didn't tell me . Huh ? Maybe he doesn't want to hurt me or maybe he thought that I would worry for him . Anyways I am going to surprise him and say goodbye and of course all the best for his new job in the other city . I dressed up neatly but smartly , or at least I thought so .
When the cab dropped me at the airport I noticed a car which was familiar to me but at the moment I couldn't focus in anything but to see him . I rushed towards the room where I knew he would be .
"Oh really ?" , a voice came from inside and I figured he wasn't alone . His family would be there , maybe . I heard distinct laughter of him accompanied by female laughter .

I stilled .

I tried to calm down and move away from there but I also wanted to hear what was he talking about and it was then their laughter was replaced by the kissing sounds . People who try to listen to other people's conversation deserves to be punished and this was my punishment .

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