

Selfish Love: Chapter 8
Next morning..Maruqez was sitting in porch drinking coffee while watching the sun rise. she decided to check her phone, then she heard footsteps, so she looked and it was Itsuki, Maruqez got upset "What?! You need anything?!"
Itsuki chuckles as she says "im just here to say hi and hows your morning?"
"Well! If it wasn't for you, my morning could be better!"
"Aww..what a meanie, i also wanted to apologise about last time..so i got you your favourite bread" Itsuki smiles as she handed the plastic bag to Maruqez, but she hesitates, "come on, dont be hesitant, its yours" so Maruqez sighs and accepted it while blushing but still has an angry face.

"Well, good to see you again, i have get going, see ya!" Itsuki waves and walks away. Then Maruqez said "Uughhh, what a pain she is.." as she lays back and continue drinking her coffee. Meanwhile at Yuna's house, When Ruru woke up she didnt see Yuna in the sofa she just saw some weights that Yuna left on the ground, probably weight lifting and didnt return it to its place, so she went to the toilet to get ready for her morning, then she still haven't seen Yuna, she opens the windows for fresh air and heard someone Running, so she looked out the window just see..it was Yuna! She was jogging and was wearing white sport sleeveless shirt, military green cargo pants, and a dark brown boots, all of a sudden she went down by her hands and do some push ups..Ruru was so shock, Yuna then was about to run again but she saw Ruru peeking at her through the window, so Yuna smiled and waves as she ran back home. "Ruruuu! Good morninng!" Yuna was so happy to greet Ruru and hugs her, "w-whoa Yuna you're sweaty!" Ruru felt so awkward, "oh sorryy, i was exercising" Yuna took her small towel thats around her neck and wipes some of her sweat, Ruru was amazed yet shock to see that....YUNA IS MUSCULAR?!?!??!?

"Whooaaa...you're.." Ruru is lost for words, and Yuna was just confused, "may i touch it?" Ruru asked as she already touched Yuna's arm, "uhhhh, Ruru?"
"Amazing!! Whoaahaaaa!"
"R-ruru haha are you okayy? Lets drink shall we?"
"Oh sure! I will get them prepared" so ruru left to prepare coffee, From there Yuna goes to her room to change her clothes and wears full sleeve shirt like always then returned to the sofa and turned on the T.V, Ruru was disappointed that Yuna had to change her clothes to full sleeve.."why did you have to exercise that much tho? Or more like work out" Ruru asks as she sits to the other couch to look at Yuna.

"Well, i just like doing it, that i kind of forgot that it will effect my appearance, but i cant help it" Yuna laughs it off. Yuna got a phone call from Zury, she replied.
"Hey good morning Yuna, wanna go out all together? Me Ryhnee you and Ruru?"
Yuna got excited
"Yeah sure! We will just get ready and we will be on our way!" Then Yuna happily told Ruru that they would go outside again but with Zury and Rynhee, Ruru also got excited and agreed.. it was just 7 in the morning so they planned on going out at 9. Meanwhile Itsuki's boss surprises her by telling her that today, she can have a day off. So she decided to visit Maruqez.
"Huuuhh?!? You want me to go out with YOU?!"
Maruqez was kind of upset
"Aww come on...you still didnt forgive me? What can i do to make it up for you.."
Maruqez stayed quiet for a moment, thinking.
"Well..i have nothing better to do..fine, i would come with you", so Itsuki got excited but then Maruqez jokingly yelled saying "BUT DONT CONSIDER IT AS DATE!"
Itsuki just waited for Maruqez in the porch, while Maruqez was changing clothes, she was thinking about Ruru, she got upset, so quickly tried to get ready and checked on Itsuki,
Itsuki excitedly gasped and says "are you ready now?!",
"Mhm, lets go!"
"My bad, my home is not too far, wanna walk with me to my car?"
Maruqez got a little annoyed but says "yeah suuuure"
So as they were talking, Maruqez secretly looks at Itsuki, she was happily smiling, so Maruqez decided to ask "so what you said before is true?"
"Mhm, it is. Except for the rest, i just wanted to scare you but i cant"
"Why you wanted to scare me anyway?"
Itsuki sigh as she says "im not sure myself..sorry about it" then Maruqez tries to cheer her up by holding her hand, Itsuki was surprised.
"Oh- dont get me wrong, i just want to cheer you up", itsuki smiled and decided to kiss Maruqez's hand, Maruqez was so shock, Itsuki just smiles...standing there looking to eachother. Then a moment later, they were heading to a shop that sells alot of cute clothes, accessories, plushies, and much more, an everyday item but is very cute, Maruqez was kind of feeling awkward, "um...are you serious itsuki?"
"Yup! Lets go get some cute stuff on you!" Itsuki said as she smiles while pulling Maruqez out the car, "no! Are you serious?! With this look on me, do you think this place matches me?!" Maruqez points at herself, itsuki looked for a moment then said "i guess they dont, but it matches to be with me anywhere i am"
"aargh!! "Maruqez yells "ITSUUUUKII",
Itsuki laughs and sarcastically said "oh, this isn't a date right? My bad"

Maruqez was really annoyed, but Itsuki just smiles and held Maruqez's hand as she enters the shop.
After some time, Ruru and yuna went to Rynhee's house, Zury opened the door and welcomed them in, they just sat waiting for Ryhnee to get ready, so Yuna and Zury started talking, yuna asked
"So where are we going?"
"Well, we will go to a park probably until we're done eating, then...uh..Ryhnee made the plan, i forgot"
"Ugh, you're so forgetful"
Ruru decided to go to the kitchen to get some water, but when she walks past Zury, she smacks her butt as she says "Cute butt!" And laughs, Ruru was so shock, "hey chill, its just a joke", But when Zury looked to Yuna, her eyes are burning in anger as she walks towards her, "she's not the type of person who takes sexual acts as jokes! Or touching" Yuna voice becomes deep, and as she walks close to Zury, she leans as down as she could as Yuna comes close and then suddenly grabs her arm firmly, slighty hurting Zury. But then all of a sudden Ruru jumped on between them, so when Ryhnee comes to the sofa to tell them she's ready, Ruru ended up laying down on Yuna, as Zury is struggling to get her leg off of Ruru, and the sofa chair is supporting her back, she got hurt and didnt have power on her leg, so she kept saying "sorry" as she has to go over those two, while Ruru tries to crawl out of that situation, accidentally hurting Yuna with her elbow, so Yuna naturally tries to help Ruru by pushing her out.
But Ryhnee saw it all wrongly and said "oh crap, take your time! Tell me when you're all done" and ran away, They all shouted for help at the same time
"Ryhnee! My leg!! Ruru stop moving!!"
"I cant breath! And we are hurting yuna!"
"Its alright girls just calm down!"

Ruru tries helping Zury move her away, so they will have some space, but during that crawl, Ruru once again accidentally hurt Yuna on her leg with her elbow, so Yuna tried to hold in her scream and slowly laughs at the end, Ruru rudely pushes Zury off her, causing more pain to Zury's leg, while meanwhile Ryhnee is hearing all that sounds, she...gets the wrong idea...
"RYHNEEE GET BACK HEERE! THERE'S NOTHING GOING ON HERE" Yuna shouts, so Ryhnee slowly opens the door and peaks...seeing Zury on the floor, groaning in pain while holding her leg. Then Ryhnee sighs and smashed Zury back "get up silly! You cant get your leg like this at such time! And i told you to do check ups before, riight?!"
"I dont want toooo!"
"Then you're not coming with us if thats how it is, lets go Ruru, yuna"
"OKAY FINE! Im standing!"
Zury tried to slowly stand up
"You're taking alot of time, lets go girls"
Zury finally stood up and says in a deep voice, "Lets go.."