

Don't lie to anyone
Latika is a good student now she is studying in 10th , suddenly her mom call her and said "latika your dad is in hospital that's why I need to stay with your dad , take care of yourself I will be back when your dad's recover ". now latika is alone at home she called her class teacher and said i am not coming school for five days because my mom's health is not good I need to take care of her .
when her mom arrived at home she asks "latika how was your classes are going?" latika said "mom your just arrived home we will talk about it but now go have some rest ". when latika arrived at class , class teacher asks her "if you don't want to study why you come to class today latika"? latika said "because my mom asks me to goto classes that's why ". her mom arrived at class and said "latika why did you lied to me and your teacher "? latika said "mom I thought no one is not at home so I can enjoy myself without any study's and any homework , sorry mom and sorry teacher I will not lie to anyone again ".
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