

The pulse machine
In our day to day exchange of conversations a friend uncovered to me the deepest mysteries of the pulse machine. A machine that reads the pulse of a human being. When you look at the haphazard organisation of the lines with the lenses of a layman you think its multifunctioning. There is this beep sound that comes and goes at different intervals as the line goes straight, up and down. To the doctor this is an amber of hope as life would be evident in the human being. Once the beep sound becomes constant and the line maintains a straight course, its code blue. The pulse needs to be jumpstarted again, the body needs some electrocution. To resuscitate the pulse.

Solomon in his knowledge must have lived even beyond his time to say under the sun there is a time for everything. He must have seen the pulse machine. In the bed of life, there are ups and downs. The beep sound comes and goes. One needs not to be weary when he or she experiences such. Sometimes the line goes up maintains a straight course then drops down. The pulse machine is constantly moving and beeping. This therefore means Ups and downs are part of life. It is only in the afterlife that we will mantain a straight course. One is married today, tomorrow they are devorced, one is president today tomorrow he is nothing short of a commoner. The man in white( the doctor) worries not when the beep of sadness comes, when the beep of joy goes. He is apprehensive when there is a constant beep a harbinger of death, when the line remains straight and stable. This means Ups and downs are a good sign. The Human being has a higher affinity for things that only flow, things that are straight. But there is a doctor who knows that a constant beep sound and a straight line means death. It is only in darkness we will appreciate the light. Only in the sea will we learn to swim for survival. All these good and bad experiences are projected by the Ups and downs we face each and every day. There is a saying dead men tell no tales. Once the line takes a straight course one is dead, he does not have ups and downs their line is straight. Learn from the pulse machine its a projection of life itself.

© Mthulisi Melusi