

Vibrational Thoughts
Particles an atoms are only a 3 dimensional representation of the vibrational information.When there is no interaction with the particle/atom it stays in a vibrational information state . It takes its 3 dimensional state when needed, observed or directed by thought. You live in a vibrational information universe. Your mind effects this vibrational information, do to the fact that the body an mind is a 3 dimensional vibrational information constuct with a consciousness. Your mind through training an meditation can shape this vibrational information. But the 3 brains in the human body must be in sync. The right hemisphere the left hemisphere an your heart. Your scientists know an have known since 1991. The heart contains 40,000 cells called sensory neuritis similarly to the neurons in your brain. These sensory neuritis learn, rember an think separately from the brain. They can be trained to work in conjunction with the brain. If the public is fully aware of this I do not know. [(This is why poeple most commonly have different personality traits after a heart transplant)].. When The 3 are in a state are in harmony an focused. This will increase your Intuition an give you the ability to directly influence this vibrational information. Thus increasing your manifesting abilities of which every has. It is not hard to learn but it is hard to master. Time an patience are key in this matter. Here's an experiment to fir the next two week do this at the moment you awaken. Think that this will be the best day ever.. now hold that thought do not let an other thoughts in for 30 seconds. At the moment you awaken for 2 weeks. Write how the day went for each day. These are some of the things I think about why I do not know. But I do know that this world has been run by evil people, for far to long. The only way to break free is to find the truth in every aspect. Seek wisdom an not knowledge if you do not know the difference. I suggest you start there.. Right now there is a device in your hand that can find all the information you want . Now I'm not going to say that all the information is true. But you can find your through the nonsense to the truth. I believe in you an I love you even tho we've never met.
Love, peace, an wisdom to all.

Ps: all pics are mine an were taken at my house. Most of them I have no clue or explanation for. Thank you

Tom T Shrout

© TomT