

Wilk and the centre of the universe.
I'm feeling sad. It appears that sadness has been a constant presence in my life. I can't recall a moment of genuine joy. Is it possible that I've been so consumed by sorrow that I couldn't fully appreciate the joy I did experience?

I believe it's the latter. While moments of pleasure, even from nights of sexual conquest, have brought me temporary happiness, they often leave me feeling empty and eventually inspire tears.

So, how do I discover true happiness? Honestly, I'm not sure. No matter how many different paths I've explored in life, happiness has remained elusive.

The wisest advice I've encountered is that you can hate, cry, and shout, but eventually, you have to let go. I've always wanted to do just that, but it seems I haven't been able to.

Now, while this might not be my final attempt, and likely not my first, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Wilk and I'm the centre of the universe.

© Seakay Margiadanae