

The Devouring Darkness

It was long and rainy night, very cliché for a start in many horror stories and so it was in the case of Ava. Moving in an house so remote that not even a song of a single bird that flew over the clouds were just not there and that isn’t the preference that she prefers.

It was two long days that flew by in an instant with her running errands and settling in. Withour a doubt, the house structure was very old and tacky, straight of the horror movies you see on Television but It wasn’t some of mansion, it was a small villa in the middle of nowhere. For starters, the price of this house was very reasonable in compared to the interior of 80s and it’s old luxury resulting in its payment by Ava.

The third day, she finally rested in the bounce of a mattress laid on the woody floors and surely enough she closed her eyes and sweeped away into oblivion.

Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?

The dream so terrible that it began in a tranquil forest, bathed in the eerie glow of a twilight sky, tinted with an unnatural purple hue.

The trees towered ominously above, their branches grotesquely twisted, resembling the claws of some ancient, monstrous beings. The ground was covered in thick, damp moss that squelched unpleasantly beneath Ava's feet, releasing a pungent odor that lingered like a noxious fog.

As Ava ventured further into the woods, the trees seemed to tighten their grip on the path, their massive trunks pulsing with a life of their own. The trail narrowed, the shadows deepened, until she could hardly see her hand stretched out before her. The silence weighed heavily, only occasionally interrupted by a distant sound -the unsettling noise of something being dragged across the forest floor. It was heavy, deliberate, and felt like it was drawing closer with each passing second.

Ava quickened her pace, her heart pounding in response to the growing sense of dread. But the sound followed, now unmistakably nearer--a wet, slithering noise that made her skin crawl. She dared to look back, and in the dim, suffocating darkness, she saw it. A grotesque figure, hunched and malformed, its skin a ghastly shade of grey-green, glistening as though coated in a slick, oily substance. Its eye sockets were vacant black voids, and its mouth, a wide, horrifying gash filled with jagged, yellowed teeth. It crawled on all fours, its limbs disturbingly long and thin, each movement accompanied by the sickening crunch of bones grinding against each other.

Panic set in, and Ava tried to run, but the forest seemed to conspire against her escape. The gnarled branches clawed at her skin, tore at her clothes, and pulled her back toward the lurking horror. She stumbled, crashing to the ground, and the moss beneath her writhed as though it were alive, coiling around her limbs, holding her captive.

The creature was upon her, its breath hot and putrid against her face, its skin clammy and cold as it pressed closer.

Ava struggled, desperate to break free, but the more she fought, the tighter the forest's grip became, and the more the creature seemed to thrive on her terror.

It leaned in, its mouth stretching wider, until all she could see was the dark, yawning abyss that threatened to swallow her whole.

A sharp, icy pain pierced her chest, as though cold fingers were squeezing her heart. The world around her blurred, the forest fading into darkness, those empty, soulless eyes burning into her very essence. Ava tried to scream, but no sound escaped, only the echo of her terror as she was pulled into the creature's maw, consumed by the endless void.

And then, she awoke, drenched in cold sweat, her heart racing in her chest, the nightmare clinging to her like a shadow, leaving her uncertain if she had truly escaped.

Terrified, she grabbed a glass of water in a nearby jug, chugged it so fiercely to calm herself. It wasn’t until she saw a strange figure who made the same slithering noise that shivered her spine, her eyes kept widening in horror until it stung hard.

Trembling and frozen, she stayed as if waiting for the figured to be shown and so It was the same grotesque figure, hunched and malformed, the glowy skin of ghastly grey green as though a slicked oil was painted in its body.

She ran down and away out, trying to escape from the darkness that will soon engulf her soul. Stumbling and shaking she ran across the trees and branches that were shaped strange until her eyes met same black eye socket that were empty and merciless.

Miliseconds layers, his long, thin and slimy scrabbles her throat, opening his mouth to see his horrifying gash filled with jagged and yellow teeth.

Chocking her so hard blocking her breathing pipe to breath, he sank his teeth in her cheeks, munching her and shedding her flesh apart. Eventually her soul gave up and went away fro trauma and blood loss but the monster didn’t stop, kept on munching and crunching on bones, ripping her flesh apart, until not even drop of her flesh and bones were left.

Years later, the home was left abandoned with no one to reside until a family of four paid the bills to live in this home. Would their tragedy be the same as Ava?

© Waverywaves