

Welcome to high school- Chapter 9
Chapter 9- Double date

Harley’s pov

My life is officially over. It was wasn't yet lunch break and I am already picked on five different times. It's not that they don't see videos like this but people that know my mom thinks is holy. She is Godly. When the video went viral, my mom's reputation both in church and at work is tarnished.

“Harley! Wait!” An annoying feminine voice cried out. I turned back to see the person, but it was the pest Liv.

“Sorry about you know what happened to you. I know you don't like me but I will like for us to have an hangout. I'm not a bad person.” I didn't suspect her at all. I was even happy to have someone to talk to since June left the city. I didn't have a choice but to just give her a chance. June knew how my life was, maybe it was time for another friend.

“Of course.” I replied.

I got home quickly to be early enough to explain everything to mom. She agreed but on one condition, she would supervise. The food and drinks were ready and I was waiting for Liv.

I heard a knock on the door which made me excited and scared at the same time. “Huh! Henry? What are you doing here?” I was completely shocked when I saw him. “Harley! Your pickles! Where are they?” I was so embarrassed when she came in.

“Harley! Harley!” Liv dragged Henry away even though he kept calling out my name.

That night I kept thinking about what happened, I didn't realize when I slept off.

Getting to school that morning, I heard people whispering and giggling. “Harley I am so sorry about what Liv did.” Henry said out of the blue.

“I forgive you for what you did in the party. My mom has gotten another job.” I didn't know why he looked so guilty.

“No not that. Everyone in school know about your background. I am sorry Liv did this to you.” He said.

“Yeah don't worry they will find something else to talk about.” Junior and Lizzy said at the same time as they walked at the same time. “Harley would you like to come with us on our second date.” Junior said to me smiling. I was happy for him. Unlike me, junior was with the love of his life. I knew what they were trying to do. They wanted me to realize my love for Henry but the sad look on Junior’s face made me to agree.

“Why on earth did you agree to this date?” I said to Henry as soon as we were alone at the mall. “I am sorry. Sorry for everything. I just wanted you alone, that's why I did that. I thought that if I spent a night with you, I would at least enjoy myself.”

“Whatever. But if you actually touched me, I would never had forgiven you. Now let's be friends.” I said to him. My mom had also forgiven him, since it wasn't really his fault. So I just thought that it wouldn't harm anyone if I also forgave him.

“Yeah sure whatever.” I giggled at his statement. Then he started staring at me in a weird way. Maybe he noticed that I was confused. “Don't worry I won't kiss you if you don't let me, I just love your smile.” When he said that, my heart was beating a million miles per second. Come on, let's go for some shopping! He dragged me to the store in front of us.

“Hi how may I help you.” A normal teenage boy about my age asked us. Henry didn't say anything he just gave him a death stare. “We came here to buy some new clothes.” My voice made him quit the staring. “Henry why were you staring at him like that. If it's James I don't mind but him? You don't know him.” The boy came to a section of the store to take a dress, then I noticed that he was winking at me!

“Are you jealous?” I had a wide grin on my face.

“Why would I be jealous? Come on let's go.” He said as he dragged me out of the store. “It's not yet the annual dance yet so the buying of the dresses is not important.” He said as I chuckled.

I sighted the video game store, my favourite. “Let's go!” I said excitedly and gripped his hand as I ran to the next tour. Henry didn't do anything he just scoffed. “I challenge to a game of king of the land.” I said as soon as we got there.

“OK.” He didn't have any expression on his face. “Come on. Don't be boring.” I nagged.

Five minutes later, I knew had already defeated Henry. “No! No!” He was clearly panicking while pressing all the controls.

“Damn it!” He almost cried.

“Yay! I won!” I was clearly happy and that didn't make him feel any better.

“No I want a remarch.” He protested.

“No.No..” I couldn't finish the statement I was making. I heard a buzz from my phone which made me remove it from my pocket. I had a text from my mom which read, Come home dear and tell junior to come too. I was scared because I didn't tell mom that I was going somewhere with Junior.

“Huh I have to go now. Which store is Junior in again?” I said facing Henry.

“Huh, he is in the cinema.” He said rubbing his eyes.

“Thanks, got to go.” I picked my phone and handkerchief and went out the door. Before I could go anywhere, Henry spoke. “I had a great time Harley. Sorry once again.” When he said those words my heart melted. I just ran out of the store to hide my smile. I called Junior and we went home together.

“Harley do you know what?” His voice woke me up from sleeping while we were in the bus.” “What?” I was partially asleep.

“I wonder why they called us.”

“Maybe my mom wants to shout at you once again.” I had a smile on my face.

I knocked on the wooden door to alert my mom to let me in. But the person that opened the door wasn't my mom. “Aunt Maggie?” I looked at my mom and Junior’s aunt as if they had grown two heads. Junior and I walked into the house. I dropped my bag on the nearby table and sat down, so did Junior.

“Dear did you know that Maggie is my sister?” My mom began the conversation. My mom narrated everything to me, for some weird reason Junior wasn't shocked I couldn't believe it. Everyone tell us that we are siblings but it was weird. “It's a lie! All lies!” I said running to my room.

I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were looking for answers to questions I didn't understand. I was happy and sad at the same time that I had found out that my long lost brother was alive. Aunt Maggie and my mom didn't need to do any DNA test or stuff like that, because I believed them. Well after giving them some thought.

“My brother is dead. Junior has left me! Why?” I cried out.

“Dear don't cry! Okay! He's just sleeping.” My mom tried to pull me.

“No!No!don't take him away!

“Don't take him away. Don't take him away. Don't take him away.” I didn't feel so good. The sirene of the power supply woke me up. I was trembling in fear. “What kind of dream was that.” I asked myself.

Not too long, I slept back 25 minutes after.

“ Dear this is your last day. Be good. Oh my baby is going to high school next year.”


“Hey watch out!” The car was driving uncontrollably. The car went straight into a bush and…. I met myself in hospital.

“Harley baby!” I felt a slight touch on my arm.

“Mom I had another dream.”

“I know you have been shouting in your sleep. That's what woke me up.” She said giving me a glass of water.

I took the glass of water at once.

“Mom why did you hide this from me?” I asked droping the glass on a stool.

“I didn't know myself until I saw Junior for the first time. I wasn't sure. My doubts were cleared when Maggie told me everything.”

“I also knew that there was something about him.” I said.

“Come on go to sleep.” She laid me on the bed and covered my body with a duvet.

I didn't get enough rest. My eyes were red from lack of sleep. Because the nightmares couldn't stop disturbing me. And my mom was fast asleep. I called Junior when I had the 4th nightmare.

The phone was ringing from the other end.

“Harley why are calling me at…. 3am.” He sounded very sleepy and I kinda felt guilty.

“Sorry I needed someone to talk to. You are my elder brother right?”

“So you have accepted?” His tone showed that he must have a smile on his face.

“One question at a time. It sounds crazy but it's true."

“What about your sorry our dad. What happened to him?” The tears threatened to come but I had to stop it.

“Our dad is dead.”

“Oh my God. You know I still remember everything, I couldn't just regonize everyone.” His voice started to sound a little bit off.

“Don't cry please you will make me cry.” The sounds I heard from the other end. It sounded as if he was crying.. terribly.

“It's fine.” He sniffed loudly.

“So are you ready? Ready for what.”

“For me to move in course.” I didn't think that something like that would happen.

“Okay bye. I will see you first thing tomorrow morning.” He said and before I could say anything, he cut the call.
© Dairo