

The Ventriloquist Act 17
Later around 7:00, Mr. Hanks showed up at Jasmine's mother's house. Her mother was willing to let Mr. Hanks in their home to help stop the ventriloquist dummy.
"How you doing sir," her mother asked, opening the door.
"Good, can't ask the same for you though," he said, while walking up the front stairs.
"I feel like hell after seeing that thing. I know that's gotta be satan himself. The devil it is. That thing is pure evil. I saw it in it's eyes Mr. Hanks."
"That thing is evil you got that right, but it's called a ventriloquist dummy, and it is possessed."
"Possessed? By what?" She asked.
"An evil spirit."
"How do we stop that devil than?"
"We burn it's soul. You have a fire place in this house?" He asked.
"No," trembling her head.
"We can burn it on the kitchen stove than."
"Do whatever it takes Mr. Hanks to kill that ugly devil," she said.
"We have to find it first."
"How Mr. Hanks? After that thing usually attacks and scare us, he gets away so fast and nowhere to be found at," Jasmine said.
"I know how to do this Jasmine, so calm down. If you want me to to kill him for good, you two gonna have to trust me. He knows we are looking for him. When he knows we after him, he is nowhere to be found or reached. We can only stop it if we either forget about it, or I stay here for the night and he comes unexpectedly. He can only show up unexpectedly when we are unaware of him. Meaning. We must keep busy for the night and try our best to forget his presence. Forget he never existed. That's the only way we catch that thing in the act. It's your choice. Mrs. Miller, I know you will not like me staying here for the night, but that is the greatest chance you both got to stop it. I'm here to save both of your lives. Nothing more."
"Mr. Hanks, I don't care what you do at this present time. All I want is that devil dead. YOU HEAR ME? DEAD!" She yelled out.
"Okay," he said.
"Do whatever to keep me and my baby safe," she said, grabbing her daughter and embraces her in her arms.
"Understood ma'am. Anywhere I can sleep tonight?" He asked, looking inside their home.
"You can sleep on the sofa," her mother said, letting him inside.
"No momma. Mr. Hanks has been a good help to us so he deserves a room to hisself. Mr. Hanks you can sleep in my brother's old room," Jasmine said appointing him.
Mr. Hanks turned around directly towards Jasmine being stunned by what she said.
"Brother? I never knew you had a brother. According to your school records I thought you were the only child."
Jasmine and her mother was hesitant to answer. "Yes she has a brother. My son has autism, and he lives in a home."
"Oh okay. Well I'm sorry to hear that."
"He's been gone for a long time," she informed.
"That's why I always felt like I am the only child cause he not around," Jasmine commented.
"I can't imagine," he said.
"Yeah, but that's yo room right there," Jasmine said, pointing to her old brother's room that was near the bathroom.
"OKE-DOKEY," he said while entering the room. He turned around and said, "remember, follow my instructions on what to do."
"Okay Mr. Hanks," Jasmine said.
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