

story of glenn. adventure of glenn.
the beginning...

the story starts in lienden. glenn wakes up from sleeping. and he gets up from his bed. and he sees on the clock that it is 7 o'clock. time to get up. because today glenn goes to camp with his classmates.

the arrival

once they arrived they had to put their things in their room. because a little later they started doing game activities. everything went well until a boy ran away. the teachers did not know where he was. and they decided to look with a group of children. to him. and glenn had to come too. and so their adventure began.

adventure begins

the group walked through forests. and through swamps. but nowhere did they see the boy. until they came to an abandoned house. they saw his bag on the floor. containing his superman books. the group knew he was in the area. they decided to split up. Glen went out with his friends. to explore the swamp. at glenn's group, elise was there too. she helped with the search.


but by splitting the group, glenn loses the other group. and end up in a kind of no man's land. the forest was so large that the group could easily get lost. in the meantime the boy had been captured by mr. damion. because it had returned. Meanwhile, Glenn and his friends were on a boat. until mr.damion attacked them. Glenn was attached to a pole that was on his foot. but luckily elise got the opportunity to get it loose. once they were on the side, they continued their search.

the end

the group went on. until they came to a castle. and that they met Mr. Damion. the boys defeated mr. damion. and the boy was delivered. the boys also met the others. when they went back to the camp. and everything became normal again. and they were all allowed to go home .......... end of story ........