

Secrets of Universe episode-2
In part 1 we are discussing about the secrets of Universe.Now we will go further by explaining it in a detail.What is universe?Universe is you,me and the everything you see and come across.The whole cosmos,stars, galaxies, nebula are also part of this universe.If you analyse all things minutely,we will find that all are made up of matters.
And according to Einstein mass-energy equation, matters are nothing but energy.Then if we will go to studies further about it.We get that, everything in this universe is consist of particles of having certain wavelengths and frequencies.Because it's the duality nature of a matter.It can be particle or can be wave.
These waves pervade the whole universe.You and me too☺️.But am not here to teach you physics here😁.So return to our topic.Everything starts from your own belief system.So first practice to believe yourself.Yes you are the manifestor.And you are the creator of your own destiny.So start this work.In another part we will discuss further.
© Punyasalila