

this story is completely based on imagination,and it is not meant to criticize anyone personally so don't get so serious and this story will be more effective if you got a strong vison, and I hope it will touch your hearts💓!!
here we go........
I awake, wondering my surrounding, it's a fine room with luxury,and I was lying on the bed with just an underwear, near to me is a red- stained knife, as i just took it on my hand the door opened and it's the room service with lunch,she shouted "mudurer"and dashed outside and locked the room,that scene made me a little strange so I stepped down from my bed and found a naked lady with bleeded nake lying dead in my room, that's made me frightened a lot,I tried to look a way out of the room but there was just a piece of suite on my sofa and nothing else, with no doubt I seared those and after a few seconds I heared the sirens, and it's the Spanish sheriff, I get even more frightened,the situation is like "a man of 5'10 having no idea about his past, locked in a room, wearing a suite, with a dead body, and hearing the foot steps of cops heading towards his door"what the more worst can happen to someone!! then I decided to ran away from here and to do that I have to crack the glass which seems to be so thick and strong and leap from an approx of 100metre above which is just a kind of impossible but I don't have left any option.
First I locked the door from my side and placed a sofa infront of it then took wooden chair and hit the glass with my full strength,glass cracked but it isn't so ok and that chair just get completely twisted on my first shot then I take 3steps back and with a full speed hit the glass and it is a little progress but the time is short the cops are right outside my door and knocking with loud, ignoring that I gave another thrust to the glass and it is about to break,the officers are now about to break my door and I have a final thrust remain,here I go,and break the glass, and the gravity pulled me but God had made a favour to me i kissed my face over a trampoline placed over a truck and bounced on to the first floor of the bus,there the people got big eyes"😅 then i took a seat and asked a nearby stranger "hey bud do you know me?" and he paid no interest on my words but the cops just know me as a criminal and they got my back, and warned to stop the bus but the strange thing is the bus isn't reducing its speed but this time the cops are with a planned script, they just have blocked the route from front and the bus stopped suddenly,I jumped out of the bus and dashed towards wrong side,I kicked a cyclist and paddled fast and in just a flash of second that bus explodes, this thing is out of my thoughts I ride fast and reached at a square heading towards the airport, railway and another to Barcelona, I choosed the 3rd one,it's the evening I reach there, feeling a little hungry but I don't have any euros to purchase,I found a person sitting on the street and spreading his arms and shouting "help me some euros I am starving from last 3 days please help me Jesus will lighten your future"I copied him and do the same but no one even paying any attention on me,then I asked any random person hey bud,that guy on street asked for money and people helped him while I do the same no one even looking towards me!🤔that guy laughed😂 and told me that dude I have never seen a beggar with suite you may be a royal beggar😅, suddenly I heared something it's the news, a cop is in interview and said that they were after a criminal who have fitted a bomb on that bus and at the time of blast he ran away and headed towards the Barcelona and we suggest that people should get aware and keep there eyes and ears wide!!,I moved from there and as I am starving I looked up at the garbage cans and find a half eaten piece of cake which is smelling worst but my starveness forced me to taste it but I vomit that made me a more tiered,I put my coat off and covered myself and lied on footpath and felt asleep, it's about 2:00 am I heard running steps getting closer to me, a lady well dressed with a bag is in rush and fear, unconscious about the obstacles and accidentally fall upon me,I said her to watch out, she begged sorry and dashed!! a few seconds later 4 men just arrived and asked me "have you seen a girl around here?? with no doubt I replied yep! and showed them the direction, later on a few feets from me I saw a shiny box,it seems a little expensive,I opened it and find a sample named "serum 1940" that word just echoed several times in my mind, I muttered "this stuff may belongs to that lady and I think she might know something about me" I hurried to the direction she passed, but the city is so big, it's a far tough to find someone in midnight but God made me another favour,I heared helping voice I dashed on that direction and find a dark opening between the building and the 4men were asking something to her,I interrupted their conversation, their leader asked me to get away,I politely replied' I want to talk to her,I think see know me!! without caring of my words they again said me to get lost and it's very frustrating,I stepped towards them but one of them just pushed me,I again requested with a please! but their reaction is as usual,on my second step towards them and again got a push but on third time that guy wanna to hit me and something goes beyond expectations,I don't know how it happens but my reflexes just defends his punch and with a flash I grabbed his neck and delivered a choakslam😯 and he is flat!! looking at me another guy just ran towards me and this is a dodge and smash and he is down,the 3rd one with a sharp object and it's a RKO😋 and he is done,now it's for the leader,he reloaded and aimed the gun point towards me " without a care I dashed to him and it's a sphere,but the bullet was shot in air and he is down me,I twisted his weapon hand he screams and when I turned back towards her and she wasn't there and taking my advantage of my distraction the leader pushed me back and ran away,I followed! and as he just stepped on the street someone just shot him😥!!that made me knew that there is someone else about it and at the very moment the cops arrived and I took that lady's bag and disappeared from there and manage to hide myself in an empty dustbin and spent the night!😴, after few hours I heard the rush of the wheels, it's the morning,and suddenly a fellow with a bag of waste just opened the cover and freaks out loud😂by looking me in it! and way to his reaction I jumped out of the dustbin and the mortals around me got big eyes😲😅 then I moved from there to alone and searched of that bag,I find some documents which seems to be important her ID and two photos,one is about a house and another one is just mine that made me very sure that this lady definitely know something about me,her name is "Meghna Bharadwaj" she worked for ISIT as a junior scientists, and later on search I found a 100 euros which is more than enough to me,I bought some snacks and tasting those with an ease!!😋and as everyday it's the news, the cops find 3 injured and one dead body in the town and they are investigating on it and 5km from there was another dead body of a lady named "Meghna Bharadwaj" that shocked me lot because my last hope was gone!!😶then I memorize that she have a pic of a house and it's location is mentioned that 5km away from Trinidad Mongat highway along the flow of river so I stepped up along with it,but the situation became more devastated when I see my sketches on the walls of Spain as a criminal(a bomber and murderer)😥 and people's there just staring over me and without any waste someone just informed and a troop of cops were heading towards me,for God shake I find a car with keys,here I gear up!!😎 I was heading towards the bridge but the situation came worst,the cops got covered the front end of the bridge and the other one is by my followers!!they warned me to stop otherwise they will go through guns!! I braked,but I can't surrender without knowing about my truth,then I decided to leap over the bridge which is more than a 150 metre above, this is mad but I don't have any choice so I opened the door and out of the car,cops said me to hands up,as per their orders I do!! 4 officers pointing gun at me getting close and the edge of the bridge is 5 metres from me,I slowly moved my body and with a force dashed I got a shot on my left shoulder and fall in the water and closed my eyes,and a miracle happened my mind recalls the every situation from begining!!
I am Ikshan Kumar, an agent of Research and Analysis Wing(RAW) from India and was under a joint mission of india and Spain. At Spain there is a private research centre ISIT(international Spain immuno technology) which is owned by Charles Mike and 19 girls and 40 boys from India were joined there as junior scientists but one night all there cells were shutdown and a news release that all of them died due to a fire🔥,but strange is even after 1month their bodies were not sent back to there parents and on asking there was no answer,so i was choosen for this mission and the name of this mission is 1940! I was sent to spain as a checking officer and to help me Ellena Angeles an officer from Spanish secret agency. She pick me up from the airport to the appatment which was booked for me at "Tomhill Tower" room no 86, my code name is Diego Lautner and I was gifted a high-tech truck with a super car inside it from the Spanish agency, it's the first day of my mission I reached at doors if ISIT, I walked into the campus but a old man just get me a push,it is professor Bill who is in hurry with some papers,I asked are you okay professor, with a smile he said me that world is in danger how we be ok!!that statement left undigested later on I meet Charles Mike and asked him for the papers of his area and aslo asked him to show the place of which caught fire last month!he with a smile took me,but the strange thing is his workers were not looking happy on him,I noticed every short clue and finally reached the place of fire,and the workers were just mending the damages but the weird thing is there were only computers and some unwanted stuffs and that room is completely isolated so that the chances to caught fire is approximately nill,then I see the papers those are okay,then I asked him about the bodies he took me to his forensic lab,there are 59 dead bodies,I asked to show me there stuffs, after these all things seems to be fine,then I asked that there are CCTV all over the campus I would like to see the footage of that day but he said me sorry sir we don't have any CCTV on that area,and that's weird,then he took me to his cabin and that was is biggest mistake,in his laptop I found that cameras are at every corner also at that fire lab,then I secretly put a chip on his device and said Ellna on Bluetooth to start hacking the laptop,and to made Charles distract I asked him about about professor Bill,and suddenly few men came to his cabin and said we lost Bill,in anger Charles just shot him and said how many times I will tell you to look the surrounding😠,I told him that you are the devil,he with a smile said oh!dear this is business and in business there is one rule that devast every obstacle which come infront of your success,he pointed the gun upto me and said I can kill you in an instant but you be a good sidekick,he offered me to tell lie to Spanish government and for that he will pay me 25million Euros,with a glance I agreed and retuned from there and called Ellena to send me the address of professor Bill and accelerate my wheels,but I am late Bill was shot and taking his last breathes,I asked him for truth,he told me that Mike want to destroy India, for that he have fitted serum-1940 and antidote which was invented by the 59 junior indian scientists from India he kidnapped 58 of them and the left one is Meghna Bharadwaj,to whom I kept here in my house with my daughter Alice but somehow Mike new this so he tried to kill me,I headed the responsibility of my daughter to Meghna and said to give the sample, antidote and a video clip of Mike's whole plan to the checking officer(me), after this he closed his eyes,I then accelerate fast in search of them,I was about to cross the bridge over river besos river I get a hit by a truck,my car had caught fire,I crawled out of the car and saw Mike with his people,he came close to me and threw the chip(on Mike's laptop) on my face and said that I will devast every obstacle on my work and threw me from the bridge, I swam to the river side and took a taxi to Tomhill, there Ellena gave me a pain killer,and took care of me,her caring made me to fall in love with her and she also likes me ,then we kissed and slept that night,it was the early morning a lady waitress entered with a breakfast and closed the door and put her gun out and shot us both with tranquilizer and I was loosing my sence slowly and she brought a knife and chopped the neck of Ellena and gave me an injection and I looses my sence.
present situation,I opened my eyes with towels, it's a nice home(the home on the photo),a man(William) with his son and daughter sitting next to me, William asked me how I get into the river,I just in a hurry woke up from the bed and told him that this is not for talk,the world is in danger,I asked him for a piece of cloth and suddenly I heared a helicopter around us,I said all of them not to stay inside,I looked through window there were 11people with guns,I muttered how they get my location?I asked William is there anybody in this house,he wasn't saying anything,then I just revealed my truth he said that here is a girl of 12 named Alice,he found her with Meghna on the streets seeking for help, then I got the point these people are after her not me because Alice have the chip with her, then I asked William about any wheels,he said me that they have a car in their farm house which is just 50 metres away,we made a plan,I said William to rush towards wheels on my direction and then we all 5 will move to Tomhill,here the action begins,I used the kitchen utensils as my weapon and after killing one I took gun and granades from him and killed 5 of them and explodes the chopper 🔥 then as to plan we got the wheels and headed to Tomhill, there I thanked William and took Alice with me to the parking lot,and get into my truck with a finger print,I informed RAW about the situation,and here I got some vans after me,I put the truck on auto drive and wore my war suite, and again back to drive,I found 3 vans were following us,and suddenly began firing,I drive fast to took them into open space and then used the loaded weapons in the truck I destroyed two of them but I just gave me boom we crashed on the rocks,3 guns from the car came near to us but it's a bad luck from them I killed the two and the third one is waitress ,then I pointed the gun on her head and said"I am not a criminal" then I opened the back door of my truck and it's a fine car (Lykan hyperspot) inside it,me and Alice moved straight towards airport but the devil got us on path,it is Mike pointing the gun towards William and his family that's what made me to stop and one of his man hit my back with a bang and loose my sence, after some time I found myself tied on a chair and Mike is infront of me, and all the 58 Indians,Alice, Willam's family also along with 80 men with guns,he speaks you are the only trouble who is stepping his foot infront of my success,but not to worry dear, it's time to close your eyes,he pointed the gun on my head and asked any last wish?? I said why are you doing this?? well then, your wish, he said that his brother Thomas wanted to rule the entire Spain with his ideology but Hugo Allen (current ruler of Spain)have set good relation with India and get a sure of 13% indian votes and won the election and my brother who purchased all of his money commited suicide, that's why I planned to destroy India with bio weapons, a month ago these indians invented a bio weapon along with it's antidote,to keep this invention secret I kidnapped all of them and to divert the topic from me plotted a bomb on a local bus and made it a terrorist attack and accidentally you get counted as criminal, out of 59 Meghna got escaped due to Bill and they have a complete proof of my plans,so I killed Meghna and then it's time for you and Alice, after killing you I will sent the duplicate bodies on the lab with the bio weapons and when they reach to India I will unlease the serum into the air and it will wipe the India out and then I will declare about the antidote and sell it with my high price and be popular one and will rule the entire Spain👹,at the time he is saying me his plans,I have called XENON (artificial intelligence programming through which my car obeys instruction) for help,and that car is totally reloaded with advanced weapons,and I also used a mini blade from my ring to untie me!! I said him that it's was with your brother but what you are doing this is unnecessary,to lose and win is just a part of life,then he just punched me and said I was born to win! here the action begins "Lykan unleased it's weapons" and I just get untied and killed every criminal there and at last it was Mike alone infront of me at my gun point🤠 he smiled and said you made me lose!! who are you?? you can't just be a checking officer!! I said "I Am an Indian" then I burnt all the 59 bodies along with the serum so that the future get secured and at the moment Spanish cops arrived and took all 58 Indians, Alice, William and his family and me into their custody and took our statement,then order came from Spanish secret agency to let me free!! after then with 58 Indian scientists I returned to India😉and mission 1940 closed!!😎!
_by P.S.VID