

Immortals: Unborn part 4
I need to stop Famin before. he strikes again. He started channeling the incoming storms lighting but I noticed something. It takes more time than expected to channel his lightning. I charged at him daggers at the ready. It was just slightly too late, he cought me mid swing with his mace. At this point I shuter to think what would have happend had I not stopped him from collecting lightning in his mace. I got to my feet and readied myself to charge in once more to end a fight the may as well be training from these four horsemen. I will not faulter this time is my only thought. I swung meeting his mace not his body as I hoped. He throw me aside like bad meat. He had forgone the lightning and started fighting with the mace souly to defeat me now and stop me from moving forward but I must find a way to break this knight. The time was now to find my opening. Then he started at me and all I could think was dodge for now and find his open spot. The it happend he started geting slower from moving and started to miss slightly more. I then saw him take the ring off his left and right hands. I hurried to grab them. He laughed and started to run at me while I dodged and put on the rings. "Those are the elemental rings" he yelled as i dodged. "They only work for a person of godly decent" he told me as I drew my daggers out for a restart of the fight. Now the storm had gotten worse than it had been. I felt a singe from my daggers. As I swung with my right I saw a streak of lightning come from my dagger as it hit him and he then flew back and hit the ground visiously. I thought it was over but I still needed to finish the job. as the storm got even worse the next strike would end the fight I felt. Running with both daggers at my side similar to that of a ninja I got close and thrust them forward and finished the fight making him change back to a horse and stagger off.
"Good work child" a voice called to me. "I will not fight youbut I will tell you we are going to the living world to recover. The day is yours and we will meet again i a different time" the voice saide as it faded away.
Now seven lights have shot up from the ground as to show me a way but where to start. The silvercloaked man appeared again before me. "Earth to fire, to wind, to water opens light to decend to darkness and unleash time" he spoke as to tell me the ways. "The gates will only open in that order" he proclaimed. He then left through a gate and I then needed to find the first gate.