

Confused Identity Chapter Three"Bad Boy"
°°°°°°°°Bad Boy°°°°°°°°
In a black coloured ,shadowed lighted room sat this black, silky and shinny haired boy. Tall , black leather jacket , white tee,white teeth, sharp nose, deep blue eyes, pink lips, It was that boy you always liked but never wished he was bad. There he sat on his laptop giving out donations to a children's charity organization when he heard a sound from the bushes outside his window. There she had fallen a girl who was not a stranger to him. She was brown Fillipino skin tonned , bright almond eyes, and cute dimples in her cheeks. "ouch" she groaned.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked from the window. "I am fine," she replied.

Kylie knew him more than anybody did.He wasn't a bad boy nor a want to be bad boy. "It was all an act up," she always said. She had seen him give donations to orphans, modal for a teenage magazine to raise money for the poor in the summer, pray and even cry when he was sad what she hated was the way he always grabbed her by the arm just to hurt her in front of his friends.

Kylie stood up and ran away. He rushed down the stairs where he found his mom and asked, "Was there someone here mom?" like he didn't know who it was. Mom replied," Oh that was Kylie she stopped by to drop some pastries that her mother sent me." He didn't say anything more. He returned to his bedroom window to check if she had still been there but she wasn't.

Seriously! Dylan always felt bad when he saw Kylie when he wasn't with his friends because he didn't mean to hurt her he just liked her but because of the bad boy act up with his friends, he was doing more of the hurting than befriending. He thought about what would happen if he told her that he liked her after all he had done to her for the sake of keeping useless friends.

"There she is," mom said to Kandle. Kylie came in limping and when her mom asked she said that she had tripped on a rock on her way back and it was a slippery ground since it had just rained on that cold and cloudy Friday evening.

Kylie went into the room that she and her sister shared it was made of brown shinny wood all over ,her bed was beside the window on and her sister's in the other corner. Not a big room but perfect for her. She sat in the window and looked at the hill top view on which their house gazed down upon and of course she could see the Mackson's mansion kill half of the view. "The sunset! natural beauty she," said softly.

Thanks for reading, comment and advise me down below of what you expect next and any mistakes I made .
© Alesi Giorgette