

Uncertainties of life
When you were a child, you didn't know about tomorrow. You were so involved in next moment, that you played ,ate and slept sound. Next moment was certain for you, someone will give food ,or someone will play with you.

You grew and entered class 8th. Now you were worried about certainties of next year. Still you were relaxed that you will enter grade 9 ,no matter what. At this age you started to know the world, hence your vision shifted from worries of next moment to worries of next year.

Now you entered class 12th , and now you are uncertain about your next year. Now you are worried for upcoming 3-4 years. You are uncertain about the subject you will choose, about the entrance and graduation.

Let's go to college now, if your placement is decided in campus. Your job js certain. Now you won't worry about job and you'll enjoy your college life at fullest. But if it's uncertain, you will always be worried about future, marriage etc.

Now it's the job, you feel monotonous. It's because I didn't add one thing, that It's human tendency to get a change in life ,according to the vision you worry for. Like a child wanted change in next 1 hour, a school boy wanted change in next year, a college student wanted change in next 3 years. Similarly a employee wants change in 4-5 years. And if it's not there, you get bored and things seem monotonous. And people find different amenities to bring a change.

One thing that's common in above discussion is, the vision time. It depends on your awareness and being in present. In addition world has a preformed system to bring you out of awareness. Or you can always create some new hobby or bring creativity in yourself to keep yourself engaged and deviate your mind from uncertainties.

Because your job satisfaction, or your present state satisfaction depends on certainties.

If you aren't paid enough and you are worried about your uncertainties, your efficiency will decrease for the alternate you will go for.

Satisfaction in self and being in present, doesn't make you stagnant in life. In fact it gives you a clear path and solutions for next upcoming step. It provides you clarity in further progress. Because change is the law of universe. It depends on you ,that you want to go smoothly or in turbulence.
© Five Fifteen