

Will His Love Conquer Her
The gold coins fell out of the velvet purse as soon as he pulled at its string. Glittering eyes stared at the precious bounty in shock. His luck had finally turned! He could stop his life of thievery on the highway and lead a respectable life.
“Help, help me…” the faint whisper belonged to the woman he thought he had murdered. Their eyes held. “Wha..what’s happened? Where am I? Who are you?” Just as he reached for the dagger, she whispered in fright, “Who am I?”… He began making up a story for her life because he never wanted her dead. He wanted her for his wife. But that woman that couldn't stand the thought of him. She now will be his, forever. He will tell her about her life as if it was always love for him from her. But he would have to research on how to keep her real memory away. And a promise he will make and will always keep, is that he no longer was that man that was capable of murder. She would know him only as a wonderful husband, friend and eventually a father.
© Matilda Hodges