

Bare Intensity
To build up the intensity when you can just close your eyes and imagine taking off my clothes slowly and as you're removing each item of clothing you order me to not touch you until you allow me to knowing full well you ordered me to something that is almost impossible for me to follow. As you start to kiss each spot that is bare and work your way down you start to see me wanting to touch so to make it easier for me to obey you tie my hands behind my back knowing full well it would drive me sexually crazy and that was exactly your point. Now that you have it to were I am unable to touch you. You continue kissing my bare skin all the way to the bottom and have to start from the top and turn me around to start kissing every bare skinned inch all the way back down then work yourself back up to the neck and you look at me with a devilish smile because you can feel the sexual fire with in me building. So you slide your finger slowly down my neck followed by your lips kissing it from one side of the my neck to the other as you see me bite my lip and moan with excitement. That's when you can't just taste my skin anymore, but you have to feel my bare skin next to your bare skin as you hold me close to your body. You look into my eyes and see the spark of fire of passion you ignited as you trace every curve of my body, and to your delight, you see a devilish smile on my face as I saw on yours because you know exactly how to sexually excite and arouse me. To were when you start fucking me I go to a new level of sexual ecstasy that you know that no one else would ever be able to give me.
© JenWikket