

The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source.
I kept moving but stopped when I felt it calling me.
I kept wondering 'what if it was a family? what if...... what if...... ' with my heart banging against my chest. For a moment, I feared it was going to fall out.
I took the bold step I would never have taken if I had thought twice.
I traced where the cry was coming from till I got there.
My mouth fell on seeing the view. I felt useless all of a sudden knowing there wasn't a way within my power to save the souls lying down on the ground.
The unconscious little child was covered with dirt but it didn't stop me. I took him and had him on my back as I ran and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I got home and did all my possible best to save the kid.
But, what would have happened? I saw the parents corpse just like I saw his almost lifeless body on the ground.
I had the child under my cover till he was well but never well enough to recall the scenerio of his past. He has been very helpful and to talk more, he has been a blessing in disguise.
My only family, my love and now my child.