Stalked: Cyrptic Kelly
The news is true. Bill is trying to have me killed or at least terroised until he can destroy me or undermining anything.. and corrupting people against me. It's been going on for so many years it's become back ground noise... But this time Bill has a new strategy.. it's the Handler: The Black man in The security suit .( and I do believe I was wrong on the color and lettering on said suit.. The reason I am uncertain is I've Vollenterd with Sheriff's for 9 year's.. They wore uniform color's.. so.. unless I'm sure.. ???. But a Security suit.. .for sure. So my belief which I'm hoping to convince a Police Officer of is this. Bill Sanders my brother is using the black man in the white car to get me in a general sense. Bill has a best friend. His name is Kelly Bell. Now every thing I tell you comes from that time. Which is about 1990 give or take 3 years. So me Bill,Kelly and his wife.(France's). is the topic.. of why Kelly Bell knows alot if not most of everything. So facts and staments and history.. Start head. Frist key factor is Kelly is Bill Sanders friend. Kelly told me this and more. Kelly also told me that his wife had something on him so he was basically owned. Scwered for the rest of his life.He accped it he said and...