


When the principal introduced miss chioma as our new mathematics teacher on the assembly ground, the expression on our face said it all ; He was a joker.

Our school was a boys school and also the oldest school in that environs. We were known to excel in many things and that should have boosted our reputation but one thing painted us black; MATHEMATICS. that was our weak point. It was worst to the extent that in every WAEC examination the best from our school got a D7 in mathematics. The Management had employed different experienced, male teachers but still yet the desired result was not gotten. After series of complaints from parents threatening to withdraw their children the principal assured all that our problems to mathematics will come to an end .

We expected a lot but not this beautiful, well endowed lady standing before us who look more like a model. The way we gazed at her at the assembly ground would be compared to that of goliath to David.

Just as goliath was wrong about David we too were wrong about miss chioma. She was indeed good at what she did

Her teaching method was out of this world. How she explained, demonstrated and carried us along made the class very lively and interactive.

Whenever an attempt was made at her question she would smile at the person and attach the word "dear" to the person's name . This singular act of hers boosted our confidence . We started cultivating the habit of at least giving things a trial instead of being nonchallant about it.

Everyone wanted to be her favorite, we wanted to answer questions and be the best in her class.

I started burning midnights candles and read ahead of her classes all just to be called "dear".I guess am not the only one struggling for this because the next day at school my classmates brain too were on fire

It never occurred to any of us that just as we struggled in other to impress miss Chioma , our love and knowledge for mathematics grew.

Tears flooded our eyes the day she told us she will be getting married and leaving us. That was the first time I would cry for a teacher not to talk of a "Maths teacher".we were worried about how our performance in maths will be like now that our "saviour" is gone. I know understand the tears of jesus disciples when he left them.

When she finally left us ,we realized she never left us empty handed; MATHEMATICS was now In our blood,it was now part and parcel of us.

Mid last year our WAEC results was released and our set broke the record . We all passed excellently including in mathematics . I got an A1 in mathematics. The lowest in our class got a C3. God bless Mrs chioma

Just this morning I was offered an admission in Nnamdi Azikiwe University,Awka. I quickly checked to see if I was give my dream course and it was written boldly. MATHEMATICS


©Nwafor Collins Chibueze
Saturday 14th may