

"Hey Jude, you know what ?"

"What ?"

Rony let his stress along with the cool breeze..

"It's confirmed, I am leaving to Austria tomorrow."

Jude had anticipated this moment soon after his dad said about what the paster had told him about Rony, leaving to university of Vienna in Austria with fully funded scholarship for his PhD.

Jude had nothing to tell him but to swallow all his emotions let his despair reaching the stars tearing the clouds right through his soul,

"Oh my love, Rony"
Spoke his soul...

"Rony, is everything packed up?"

Rony could easily make out Jude not just now,
but he always could as when they had camped together in a tent on their internship in indian institute of astrophysics,
when Rony took away the December wind with warmth of Jude's skin.
Where Rony whispered,

"Jude, take a soul and tear them apart ,
Me & you."

Jude didn't utter a word though he always loved listening to what Rony had to tell him,
Especially when he started about the cosmos, always started with Stephan Hawking and goes till he reminds theorems of Richard Feynman.

He has his words strong for what he wanted in life but Jude always wanted to be here, anywhere around the valley...

"Rony, if you leave one day,
You can always find me here, in any of the schools around the valley or in the cathedral."

Rony caught his neck on the other pampering Jude's chest letting him feel every breath around his back,

"I'll wait for you Ron,
I'll walk for you in the December rain,
Watching the sun clear the misty mornings above the hills where I would come down here and put on the country music with a beer in hand !"

"I'll wait for you Ron,
Can I ?"

"Yes Jude, I'll be back for you,
You know we can like Skype or chat all along the day whenever we can..." Rony whispered.

"Yeah but can we stand it",they whispered together,

The full moon let the sky above them burn with velvet ashes dipped in the dreams that they had in it.

The light inside the tent turned of with the distant howling of the mysterious Wolfs never seen by anyone.

Jude ran all the way to the station to find Rony before he boards his train to Bangalore,

Oh, Rony how can I watch you going all the way through the tunnel leaving all this and me behind, how can u stand it Ron ?, how can I ?,
With you all alone somewhere in another part of the world and me all alone here ..?,

Jude could not stop speaking to himself,
He had his mind showered with thoughts. While running all along the station ,
He carried Ron's favourite cocoa butter with him so he don't have to look for it when he reaches Vienna and also some chocolates made my his mom.

Jude crossed the rail line into the station skipping the main entrance gate,
He had his soul looking for Rony all around the station, to the endless vacant benches places beneath the rail.

"Hey, are you Jude,
If you are then you have a note from this guy name Rony,
He gave it just before his train left the station."

"Oh mine, Did the train leave on time today,
Hell on earth." Said Jude in despair.

He sat in a blue bench opening the four folded note,

"Hey Jude,

Now stop weeping like a child,
I wrote this note for you just in case you miss the to reach the station on time,

I just wana tell you ' I LOVE YOU JUDE ',

You are best that has ever happened to me,
You were my relied to the lonely sufferings that I underwent all through my life in that orphanage,
Remember when we kissed, I couldn't stop thinking over it again and again,

Jude, you have the heart of a rabbit, so pure and innocent and I want you to remain the same.
I know you love being there but was that all you wanted, we can be together Jude, think over it, we can have a perfect life here in Vienna, may be you just need some more time, right.
With my heart full of love and eyes filled with tears..

....R ..o..n...y...💓💓

The horn of the eastern express woke Jude from the delusion that he was put into but that took him into a dilemma of agony for the life that he lost and letting him swim back into the life that is ahead of him.

He walked along the rail with his left hand holding the note tight covered lost in thoughts for loss that he could never gain back to.

"Oh Rony, I swear...

The eastern express passed along letting the note fly high into the stars tearing the clouds along with his soul into the world diluted in the words that once Rony spoke of ...
#lovediary #lgbtqa #man #LoveVsDestiny #heartbreak #stressed #loses #WritcoQuote