

Spiritual War

There have been many wars throughout history.
But there is one war the most people do not acknowledge,
the war no one knows about.
A war that has been going on ever since the fall of men.

The spiritual War, between good and evil spirits.
The Devil always tries to do everything he can in his power to get back at God. Satan has lied and tricked,
deceived many angels, and turned them against God.

Frome when Moses parted the water,
To the horrid story of Sodom Gomorrah,
and when Peter had gotten executed upside down.
From Joseph and his brother selling him into slavery,
to David and Goliath, one of the battles of the century.
The Devil was there the entire time!
All these years, all these centuries.
And he’s still very much alive today, continuing to hurt people.

So God's faithful servants,
serve him and love him,
we are in the army of the Lord, fighting off evil spirits,
not to fall victim to one of them,
we will be resilient, with Holy Spirit to guide us,
with God to lead and Direct us,
so if we fall short, we’ll just get back up even stronger.
God is the true source of our strength,
our faith and our Love for him shall last forever,

The devil never rest,
he constantly attacks,
so we have to be prepared, have faith,
Jesus has our backs.
He will grant you the power of spiritual Gifts, to use to serve him.

I’m only on this earth for one thing only,
and not matter how much I get tormented,
no matter how much I suffer,
I will still hold my will and fight for my King!
And once I have served my purpose,
I will leave this world weather it be in my death bed,
or fighting in the middle of war.
I know that I have completed my one very purpose,
to serve my Lord.

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