

Mel Story
Rose: we are leaving home to another country?
Mel: what?
Rose: yes, we are leaving
Mel: why are we leaving?
Rose: Because your brother doesn’t have a friend.
Rose: what?
Mel: You people are crazy because I don’t get why we are moving.
Rose: young lady watch your mouth
Mel: whatever
Rose: what? Sometimes I think something it wrong with you.
Mel: you know I never like you in the first place but now I know my reason.
Rose: what?
Mel: you hear me
Rose: if you know what good for you go to your room.
Mel: whatever I am going out
Rose: where are you going?
Mel: that’s not your business.
Rose: young lady don’t make me bit you.
Mel: you wouldn’t dare.
Carlos: what is the problem here?
Mel: ask your mother
Carlos: mom what is wrong?
Rose: we are moving?
Carlos: yes, finally something amazing is happening for me.
Mel: I can’t believe you
Carlos: I am so sorry sis, but I really needed this.
Mel: thanks a lot
Carlos: you are the problem why I didn’t make any friend.
Mel: what?
Carlos: you just have to be perfect.
Mel: because I am better than you in everything and maybe you are just jealous.
Carlos: whatever you are the worst sister ever.
Mel: thank you so much and anyway you are very stupid to think you can be better than me because I am good at everything I do.
Rose: stop it both of you
Mel: whatever mom I know you would be on his side anyway.
Carlos: shut up Mel.
Mel: whatever you said stupid.
Rose: please you both stop this madness
Carlos: I am so sorry mom.
Rose: it’s okay Carlos
Mel: see what I mean
Carlos: what is it now?
Rose: what is it now?
Mel: you care about Carlos more than you care about me.
Rose: I am sorry Mel for treating you that way.
Mel: I can’t believe you love Carlos more than me.
Rose: I said I am sorry
Mel: sorry won’t change anything because you don’t mean what you say to me.
Rose: I do
Mel: you don’t and good night.
Carlos: what happen to Mel?
Rose: nothing
Carlos: it doesn’t seem like nothing because she was crying.
Rose: what?
Carlos: yes, she was crying.
Rose: it’s my fault that she is crying.
Carlos: what are you talking about mom?
Rose: Mel thinks I am treating you different from you.
Carlos: but mom you do because you treat me different from her.
Rose: what? why didn’t you told me that you didn’t like the way I treat her.
Carlos: I taught you know but you just hate Mel.
Rose: I do hate Mel.
Carlos: mom why do you hate my sister.
Rose: Mel is not really your sister.
Carlos: what?
Rose: your father is died.
Carlos: how did he died?

© Mellisa