

Cat and poison.
I used to have a cat named Cotton, he was as strange as his name. (😆)My best partner, we had enjoyed our bachelor life together. It never crossed mind that he would leave me one day.

It was at a time when i was troubled by a group of robbers in my house. RATS.

Cotton helped me to take revenge on them by hunting them. but what can a single cat and a scaredy cat (😓), me do?.

Our troubles were increasing, so we decided to use the most cruel method to finish our enemy, Poison.

Rat poison, Out of all others option i chose it, cuz rest weren't working.

we had to add it into a food and placed it in hotspots of rats.

And i waited for the night, i slept happily thinking my plan would be a success.

The next morning i saw the entire food was gone without even a single piece. (😌)

Then i saw a small pink tongue licking the entire plate, (😨😰😱).

I ran screaming,

My cat and i used to have a mutual agreement, i hated anything that had coconut, while he loved anything with coconut.
i used to give him my coconut filled dishes while he ate it happily.

Cotton was a coconut addict.

And the stupid me, had placed the poison in a coconut dish.

i poisoned my buddy, my cat ( 😣😖😭).

While he was licking it happily(😸). i was shocked and was crying . (😭).

He was going to die because of me, i was crying the whole time while cotton was looking innocently at me with a meaning,

" What?, it was coconut so i ate it."

The entire day i continued to cry while he sat in his chair covered in his blanket.

The scene felt like a mourning scene, where i was the parent who had lost his child while my cat was the body of my lost child.

One day passed, nothing happened.
Two days, three, finally weeks passed but he was pretty lively as always .

He was like a immortal cat.

i was rewinding everything that happened. There was only two possibilities.

1) the poison was not effective
2)maybe the rats ate it before my cat could ate it, after all i only saw him licking it, not eating it.

The second one was the most possible one. but whatever happened, he was healthy and thats all i want.

This incident was both a miracle and warning.

(🤓🤓)you must be careful around your pets, especially if its a cat with an addiction.

there some other stories of my cat this one is part 3, do check out the others. 😉

The End.

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