

My Best Friend Is My Mate
It was my birthday today I no one care but my best friend he is my everything he help me with anything I need. I get to school and I see him talking to his friends he tells me to come to him he said " Happy Birthday" I have a gift for you at my locker go by later, he smelled so good I told him I have to go to the bathroom he said I will see you later I get in the bathroom and his girlfriend is in there. She said look what we got here it Miss nobody, I told her not to day she does it anyway she put my head in the toilet she makes sure it is dirty and I always have to take a shower and I am later for class. I finely take a shower and I get to class the teachers does not say anything to me when I walk in I go to my seat and do my work and then It was time for our next class I get in to my next no one talk to me again not even to teacher this is how it when for the rest of the day. I go to my locker to get some stuff and I see my friend girlfriend waiting for me I go a different way I see my best friend but he look like he was looking for someone.I said hey you looking for your girl she is at my locker, he looked at me and his eyes like black and that only two things, one is he is pissed and two means he smells his mate he walks up to me and say mate I fall back into the locker he comes up to me he kisses me and it is like I always hope it would feel if I kissed him. He puted back how long have you know I was your mate, Itold him I know this morning I ddn't say anything because I didn't want your friend laugh at me or you saying you didn't want me. He look at me and said I would of never told you that finding my mate means everything to me I didn't care if she was low class and my friends know that to. I am so sorry you feel that you could not tell me. I said what about your girlfriend she will get mad, he said don't worry about her I will talk to her but she know if I find my mate we are done and she was okay when I told that. I love you Elva. I said I love you too Mark.
By: Amber Mansfield