

Mark and Jane Part 2
Jane was ready to give up everything just for him, Mark is a flirter but does not want Jane to know about it,he lies alot and always cover his tracks the love he had for her was not love but pity. Jane love Mark so much that even when he's angry she always want to make him happy, she makes sure he does not lack anything and does not complain for anything. Her love was genuine love from her heart. Jane avoided so many guys just to pleased Mark, turned down so many proposals to just be with Mark, but she never knew who she was building a home with was never serious about it and was not even planning for the future with her.
On Jane birthday, while she went to visit her elder sister, she was unaware what was happening at home with Mark, she felt something but did not really know what it was. The sign she felt was Mark making love with another girl in his room on her birthday behind her back.
Few months past and she got to know what happened that day because she took Mark's phone to send a picture to her phone, that's when she saw the text message and everything that happened on her birthday behind her back. Being who she is she never confronted him just because she loves him so much to create any problems or issues with him.