

Love Infinite (34)
Episode 34 :- Confused!

Previously Shanaya got shot and Abhimanyu stayed in the factory which got blasted pushing her away as his leg had got stuck in a hook. Shanaya was taken to the hospital, she unfortunately forgot about what happened in last two months.

She was waiting in the lobby for the tests to be done. She was anxious but she couldn't understand why she was. Her family knew the reason behind her anxiousness but they can't help her. She went in for the tests to be done. After the test, she thought to talk to Dr. Singh to know the reason behind her anxiety.
Dr. Singh :- You know I don't talk for free?
Shanaya :- If I start to charge on my words, you will go bankrupt.....you know how the media personnel waits for my statements......they are ready to pay me a lot just to get an interview of mine.
Dr. Singh :- Okay, I lose. I have a fortune which I can't afford to lose.
Shanaya :- Don't worry.....
Dr. Singh :- Tell me, what's wrong?
Shanaya :- I don't feel good since I have awoken. I don't know how to describe it...... it's like something......I feel empty. Like I have lost something very big...... but I seriously don't know what I have lost. My heart seems like broken.......I feel awful. I am very much disheartened. I just don't understand what's wrong with me but I feel sad and upset for no reason. I don't even know if you are able to understand what I am trying to say. I am not happy that's all I can say.
Dr. Singh :- I am getting what you are trying to say. But you know it casual to feel this way.....when you have awoken from coma.
Shanaya :- Coma!! I was in coma??
Dr. Singh :- What? You didn't know this. Unfortunately after the doctor took the bullet out, you slipped into coma. The bullet was shot near your neck so it was difficult to operate by making sure they don't damage your nerves. The operation was actually of 10 hours but you slipped in coma, so they stopped operating after removing the bullet.
Shanaya :- What else should I be operated for?
Dr. Singh :- You have a clot in your brain because of the several injuries on head. You need to be operated for that still.
Shanaya :- How the hell have I ended up like this? Why can't I remember what happened?
Dr. Singh :- Don't stress yourself, it's not good for you. Relax! It's just temporary. You just woke up from coma so you can't remember anything. Plus you have head injuries. You will remember everything soon. But do you remember anything?
Shanaya :- Um... actually.....I remember that Viaan and Dad were there.....the place was very deserted I think.....there was someone else too....I don't remember the face....Ouch! Aah! that's all I know.
Dr. Singh :- Enough! Don't strain yourself. I will tell you everything when you are stable. You need rest. Let's go to your ward.
Shanaya :- Tests are all done. Reports would take time. Operation can't be done anyways now. Can i rest at home? I have been to hospitals enough times. I don't feel like staying here anymore. I have seen enough deaths.
Dr. Singh :- I know what you mean by that! You have seen your parents death. Being a kid seeing your parents death is the worst pain in world. It's ok you can go home. But don't strain yourself, you need a very good rest.
Shanaya :- Yeah. I will.
She then came out of the ward and told shaurya to take her home. Shaurya didn't agree initially but later he did. They all came to the Singhal mansion. She didn't find Indra there and asked Saksham about it. Saksham told her that he is being arrested for his crimes. They cooked up a story that Indra tried to kill Shaurya, so you came at the right time and rescued him. She easily believed them. She went into her room and saw a photo of a couple who were actually her biological parents. She looked at them emotionally. She came out and hugged Shaurya emotionally.
Shaurya :- What's wrong my dear?
Shanaya :- I am sorry dad......your life was again in danger because of me. I worried you a lot when I was in coma. I am very sorry.
Shaurya :- Hey! Don't say that. You know I am proud of you. I love you. It's never your fault. It's their fault who think of harming us. I am so lucky and blessed to have found you. You changed me from worthless to worthy.
Shanaya :- Don't say that! Dad! I love you too. I didn't do anything.
Shaurya :- Your parents were killed by mere robber. I saw you crying on the road and you remember how drunk I was that I couldn't even understand whether you are a girl or boy. My ex wife Maithli Singhal who left me because of immense loss in business. I lost belief in Love but you taught me love. Your smile was the biggest and most efficient stress buster. You always tried to keep me happy. you even tried to bring her back though she hated you... you tolerated her a lot for me. You have always made sure to keep me happy, yeah..... you worried me a little when you were in coma but I was sure you will wake up.
Shanaya :- I love you dad.....
Shaurya :- I love you too dear....
Shaurya kisses her forehead and asked her to rest. She went in her room and again she felt sad and angry also now. Her reports arrived the next day and they decided to operate right away. She got operated successfully. But she was uncoscious for a long time which was essential for her brain. 10 days had passed. Shanaya came back from hospital and was all better now but her hand was still injured. She wasn't able to move it easily.
She then decided walk about. While coming down from stairs, a scene flashed in front of her. She saw that she was here with a guy in his arms and flowers fell on them. She couldn't recognise who it was. It was actually abhimanyu but she didn't remember now.
Shanaya :- Woah! What the heck was that? Am I illusioning things? was that real or just some imagination? It felt so real.....I got goosebumps all over just seeing that. Damn.
She began to rub her hand and shivered a bit. She felt a bit weird.
Shanaya :- Aahsh! Yeah! Damn!
She came out and decided to go to the office. She sat behind in the car. She didn't feel anxious much. She reached the office. She was with all her team and they were all relieved to see her fine. She went into her cabin and felt very familiar. The cabin had changed after shanaya left the empire but she felt the cabin was familiar. She couldn't understand why she felt this. She sat there and all her employees came to greet her.

#forgotlove #lostlove #loveisstrength
© Bhoomish