

Down the memory lane❤️🍷
Dear no longer in touch friend,
Isn't it ironic how are best moments and memories resides in eyes of people who are distant and no longer familiar to us. It drives me so vivid how flashback of memories can make us feel so alive. It all started with strangers we met 15 years ago who turned into family.

Wiping our nose and ears with the cloth our mother use to pin on our school robes. Our parents waving at us through the closed school gates and all we could do was sob and cry. If we had even the faintest idea about how the thought of leaving school would be so unpalatable to us we would have never cried while coming to school.

Time flew past us so fast that we didn't realised that the day came when we finally had to bid goodbye and reluctantly mean it. Running endlessly in the corridor, irritating teachers, bunking classes, PT periods, assemblies, gossiping, uncontrollable laughters, life lessons,art education, friends, young love, trips all are just a mere memory deeply rooted in my heart and feeding on these happy memories is the only thing left with me.
If I knew that farewell would be the day I meet some people for the last time ever, I would have stayed a bit longer and hugged a bit tighter.

I guess this is it. I wish I cross path again with people who promised thousands of forever and no longer in touch. How ironic, school is the only place we came crying and we left crying. I never thought I'd walk away with so much Joy but so much pain but yesterday's gone and we gotta keep moving on, I'll hold them in my heart forever.

I'll always remember you.
Yours affectionately