

Singles' Ministry---Day 4
Singles’ Ministry--- Day 4

“I mean…this can’t all be in my head, can it? I know I haven’t been involved with anyone in a long time, but, I’m not dumb. He definitely likes me, right? Ugh, God this is too much, I need some answers…”


The day had finally arrived. Nadia was graduating from college…again. Nadia realized she had been putting life on hold and since her sister’s passing, she had been adamant that she was finished with waiting. Nadia had applied to and was accepted into graduate school. Thankfully, she was able to test into an accelerated program and after a year of hard work she was moments away from walking across the stage to get her Master of Education degree.
Nadia wasn’t able to get tickets for the entire Taylor family since the university gave each student six tickets for family and friends to watch the ceremony in the arena. That was okay though; those not in attendance could live stream the graduation, and Nadia’s parents were hosting a giant party to celebrate their eldest daughter later that evening.
Nadia’s heart was almost full, almost because more than anything she wished Nadira could be there to see her accomplish this feat. As kids, they spent many nights talking about their hopes and dreams. Growing up in the ‘hood didn’t afford many opportunities for success, but the sisters were determined to make something of themselves.
They were raised in a strict home, so there was little chance for the girls to get into much trouble. They were not allowed to attend parties, sleepovers, or any event in which both Joe and Jackie Taylor did not have a personal relationship with the parents of their daughters’ friends. Breaking curfew, was a definite no-no. Anything below a B- was unacceptable in the Taylor household.
On Sundays, Nadia and Nadira found themselves up by 8 a.m. so that they were dressed and ready for church by 9 a.m. They would be the first kids walking through the doors of the church just before 10 a.m. Jackie Taylor would drop the girls off in the Sunday School room with a swift warning that they be on their best behavior…or else. After Sunday School it was time for the actual service to start. The praise leader always opened with a prayer and scripture reading, then he or she would open the floor for testimony service or devotion as some people called it. People would spend ten or fifteen minutes talking about some drama that happened during the week that only the grace of God got them through. Boredom would take over the girls right after the hour of singing congregational songs. Then someone would start shouting and the sisters would laugh at the various versions of dancing they saw throughout the sanctuary.
Before they knew what happened, someone would fall out on the floor. Another person would start babbling like an infant which they later learned was what the church folk called speaking in tongues. The old ladies, mothers’ board, would start praying over the young people. The young people would start rocking back and forth as they chanted ‘JesusJesusJesusJesusJesus” as fast as their mouth could process the demand. One of the mothers said that the girls needed to learn how to tarry for the Holy Ghost.
Nadia and Nadira would sit on the third pew in the middle of the church pointing, giggling, laughing, and a little scared (only when the mothers would ask them if they were ready for the Spirit). After the praise and worship part came the most exhaustive portion of the church service…the sermon.
The pastor would stand up there and preach from the King James super old school translation of the bible for well over an hour. Nadia would get into trouble because no matter how hard she tried, she’d fall asleep after about forty minutes of talking and admonition from the minister. Finally, at 2p.m. church was dismissed, everyone had fellowshipped, it was time to leave…EXCEPT…there was one problem…Second service was starting at 4 p.m. which meant the family had just enough time to eat, freshen up, and get back to church before the praise and worship leader opened the floor for the congregation to testify again.

Nadia smiled as she reflected on her childhood. She thanked God that she did not have to go through it by herself; she had Nadira. No matter how crazy it was growing up, it was all worth it to be here. Nadia jumped at the nudge to the back of her shoulder. She was next in line to have her name read. She apologized to the young lady behind her who was eager to graduate. Nadia took a step forward and handed the stage assistant the card with her name on it.
“Nadia Alexandra Taylor.” Nadia walked across the stage to a roar of applause and cheers. She grinned from ear to ear, flashing an adorable set of dimples in the process. A single tear fell down her cheeks as she approached the Dean of the College of Education standing at the podium.
“This one is for you Dira.” Nadia said as she stretched her hand out to shake the hand of Dean Ishmael Thomas.
“Congratulations, young lady. I’m so proud of you.” Dean Thomas said as the two prepared to take a picture once he presented Nadia with her degree.
“Thank you, Sir.” Nadia said once the photo-op was over.
Nadia met her family outside after the graduation. There she was met with enough balloons to lift a small dog into space and enough flowers to open her own shop. Everyone took turns giving her hugs and well wishes. First it was Mr. and Mrs. Taylor: Jackie hugged her daughter tightly while the less affectionate Joe congratulated his eldest child and presented her with a card. They took a bunch of pictures until it was time for the next person to show their love to Nadia. Her cousins and best friends laughed, cried, and hugged Nadia like they hadn’t seen her in years. They knew how hard this day was and they wanted there to be no question that they were there to love on Nadia and support her.
Then it was Rob’s turn. “Congratulations, Na-Dee.”
“Thanks, Rob.” Nadia smiled.
Rob smiled. He went in for what Nadia thought was a routine side hug. Instead, Rob hugged Nadia tightly and he placed a kiss on the side of her neck as he pulled away.
Their eyes met. Did he just kiss me? Nadia thought to herself. She looked around to see if anyone saw what happened…Nope. Joe went to get the car while Nadia’s mom and best friend Nikki held onto all of the flowers and balloons. Her cousin Mariah was kneeling on the sidewalk tying the shoe of her five-year- old daughter Shylah.
Rob’s gaze dropped from Nadia to his shoes and back to her. He handed her an envelope with the card he got her to celebrate the occasion.
Rob arched his eyebrows. “You ready for your party?”

Come back tomorrow to find out what happens next in Rob and Nadia’s story.