

You lied
Sleep. The one thing I can't seem to get a good handle on anymore. Either I can't fall asleep, or when I finally do, I can't wake up. I teeter between staying awake and roughing out tomorrow on zero sleep and taking some sleep aid, to which will struggle with when my alarm screams at me to remind me that I have to be somewhere. Regardless, I'll manage, as I always do.

I've reached a stasis. My life isn't going anywhere right now. I wake up, go to work, work, come home, play video games, then try to sleep. My creativity spikes in very small intervals, so my music isn't growing much, although recently I have indulged into crafting some music that will be on my next album.But other than that, I've reached a standstill.

I do not have many friends. Used to, but life is different now. No one...