

My family
If others think that your life lacks meaning, prove them wrong. What are the things or people that gave your life meaning?
my life has meaning because of one man that changed my life 16 years ago the day I met him.
my husband got me away from the drugs and the out of control life my mom had me in since the day my dad passed away.
I sold drugs for her and did drugs with her all starting at age 10. She let me drop out of school at age 14 and I carried on with the use and sell of drugs for her until I was 20 years old. she didn't see anything wrong with the way she was raising my brothers and I later in life after meeting my now husband at age 20 shortly after trying to commit suicide did I learn that my own mother was poison to me and anyone else she was within feet from. and to this day still is.
my husband saved my life more then twice when she did nothing but perswade me to kill my self instead. I got outta that lifestyle and grew up to become someone better then my mom and I'm happy I did. and would be happy to do it all over again.
She has been given so many chances but yet has taken them all for granted. used us till we had nothing left to use us for. stolen from us and so did my brother. who now is serving an 11 year prison sentence all from our mom helping him get into trouble and perswading him to steal and rob people for there drug money.
they ruined so many people's lives And don't even care. why? because the drugs and the lies took over there lives.

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