

twisted tales part 6
Ruby woke up with a splitting headache the next day she couldn't go to the gym with her mum so she stayed back her mom just suspected that maybe she drank so much.
But one thing stayed at the back of Ruby's mind how did Mark know she was upstairs. at this moment she didn't want to think about anything she was just happy she's saved.
on Monday she went to school and as soon as she stepped in Claire shouted well well well if it isn't drunk Ruby she snickered while walking away with her friends bitch Ruby muffled while walking to her classroom as she entered she saw Mark sitting at the back row they looked at each other for about 4 seconds before she went to sit down. After the class she went to the cafeteria to seat with then she felt something hot slurp make it's way down her back she screamed and turned to look at who did this to her only to see Madison one of the girls obsessed with Mark she then stood up in shame about rushing to the bathroom before she heard a familiar voice say. "why'd you do that to her b*#$h now scram" everyone let out a loud gasp cause they didn't expect the rudest, and hottest guy in the Green Field high school to stand up for anyone but he stood up for the simp girl. hey let's get you cleaned up he said to ruby while taking her hands and walking her outta the cafeteria. he took her to the Boys bathroom

character POV

mark:take off your shirt(while cutting out a roll of tissue)
Ruby:why (blushing)
mark:oh I dunno maybe so that I can watch tv on your back(rolling his eyes)
Ruby:you know being nice wouldn't kill you
Mark: but it'll kill you
Ruby: leave me the f*$k alone
Mark:oh really (spits to his side) sure bitch (leaving)
and uhh this is the boys bathroom
Ruby:(sighs)urrrgggggggggg I hate everyone

she manages to clean her back and change her T shirt then walks out of the boys bathroom just in time to have the crowd laugh at her
what are you doing in the boys bathroom Ruby Maddie snickered giving a bj to your fingers she said with fake puppy dog eyes.
uh yea just like the way you gave one to your dog. she could sight mark at the corner looking at her with no emotion.
she walked away from the scene feeling annoyed and angry all in one.
she got home and her mum and Mr Carson had arranged a trip together according to her mum just for fun and it's for 2 weeks her mum being very protective was like be very careful don't go out after 6.30pm and bla bla she nodded multiple times and locked the door soon enough she saw Ivan's car pull up in the drive way she watched intendly and they brought out a crate of beer and some snacks brooo the match between Chelsea and Arsenal today would be epic Ivan said to mark . let's get in Ivan said holding Claire by the waist and giving a french kiss. she sighed and continued with her yoga sessions after 30mins she heard an annoyed grunt from her neighbor she ignored it and continued what she was doing 5 mins later she was interupted by a knock on her door she peeps through the hole to see Ivan, mark and Claire standing there with half a crate of beer and some snacks, she opened the door um hey she said hii Rubs can we watch a live match at your house our hamster chewed on the tv cord Rubs!? she stared at him blankly since when did you call me Rubs don't push it now call we.... (mark walks right past her and sits on the couch taking the remote)um that's a yes Ivan said walking right past her and crashing on her couch. she stared in disbelieve and shut her door. she got a glass of water from the fridge and stayed at the dining doing her homework while the boys shout GOAL!!!!!! every single time and Claire doing her nails and brrgggg thunder strikes and the tv goes off. ohh bummer at least we watched till half time yea. (the rain gets really serious)Ruby I guess we'd be spending the night here said Ivan oh ok you and Claire guest room. you (pointing at Mark)your room mark interrupts making way to the stairs her mouth wide open in disbelieve ouuu perfect weather for sex don't you think babe ivan said to Claire to have her giggle. oh bummer.

hey guys we've come to the
end of this chapter the next chapter is A NIGHT WITH MARK🥶🥶 I CANT WAIT TO POST IT ONCE IM DONE LOVE Y'all ❤️
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